
Check if a UTF16 character is the high character in a surrogate pair.


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 480

  function UnicodeIsHighSurrogate(const AValue: UnicodeChar) : Boolean;


UnicodeIsHighSurrogate checks whether AValue is a valid high character of a surrogate pair, and returns True if this is the case. It does this by checking whether the values are within the bounds for high characters in surrogate pairs.

See also

Name Description
FromUCS4 Convert UCS4 to UNicodeChar
ToUCS4 Encode unicode UTF16 surrogate pair to UCS4 character
UnicodeIsHighSurrogate Check if a UTF16 character is the high character in a surrogate pair.
UnicodeIsLowSurrogate Check if a UTF16 character is the low character in a surrogate pair.
UnicodeIsSurrogatePair Check if a pair of UTF16 encoded characters is a valid surrogate pair.

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