
Transform unicode string to lowercase


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 487

  function UnicodeToLower(const AString: UnicodeString; 
                         const AIgnoreInvalidSequence: Boolean; 
                         out AResultString: UnicodeString) : Integer;


UnicodeToLower transforms a UTF16 unicode string AString to its lowercase equivalent and returns this in AResultString. If the transformation was successful, then the function returns 0. A nonzero return value means an error occurred. AResultString will remain untouched in that case.

If a character in AString cannot be found in the unicode data tables, an error will be reported, unless AIgnoreInvalidSequence is set to True, in which case the character will be copied as-is to the output.

Unicode collation data can be loaded using RegisterCollation or LoadCollation


On error, a nonzero value will be returned.

See also

Name Description
LoadCollation Load a binary collation data file from file
RegisterCollation Register a new collation
UnicodeToUpper Transform unicode string to uppercase

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