Reference for unit 'Unix': Types

Type Description
cbool Boolean type
cchar Alias for #rtl.UnixType.cchar
cdouble Double precision real format.
cfloat Floating-point real format
cint C type: integer (natural size)
cint16 C type: 16 bits sized, signed integer.
cint32 C type: 32 bits sized, signed integer.
cint64 C type: 64 bits sized, signed integer.
cint8 C type: 8 bits sized, signed integer.
clock_t Clock ticks type
clong C type: long signed integer (double sized)
clonglong C type: 64-bit (double long) signed integer.
coff_t character offset type.
cschar Signed character type
cshort C type: short signed integer (half sized)
csigned Signed integer
csint Signed integer
csize_t Character size type.
cslong Signed long
cslonglong Signed longlong type
csshort Short signed integer type
cuchar Alias for #rtl.UnixType.cuchar
cuint C type: unsigned integer (natural size)
cuint16 C type: 16 bits sized, unsigned integer.
cuint32 C type: 32 bits sized, unsigned integer.
cuint64 C type: 64 bits sized, unsigned integer.
cuint8 C type: 8 bits sized, unsigned integer.
culong C type: long unsigned integer (double sized)
culonglong C type: 64-bit (double long) unsigned integer.
cunsigned Alias for #rtl.unixtype.cunsigned
cushort C type: short unsigned integer (half sized)
dev_t Device descriptor type.
gid_t Group ID type.
ino_t Inode type.
mode_t Inode mode type.
nlink_t Number of links type.
off_t Offset type.
pcbool Pointer to boolean type
pcchar Alias for #rtl.UnixType.pcchar
pcdouble Pointer to cdouble type.
pcfloat Pointer to cfloat type.
pcint Pointer to cInt type.
pcint16 Pointer to 16-bit signed integer type
pcint32 Pointer to signed 32-bit integer type
pcint64 Pointer to signed 64-bit integer type
pcint8 Pointer to 8-bits signed integer type
pClock Pointer to TClock type.
pclong Pointer to cLong type.
pclonglong Pointer to longlong type.
pcschar Pointer to signed character type
pcshort Pointer to cShort type.
pcsigned Pointer to signed integer
pcsint Pointer to signed integer
pcsize_t Pointer to character size type pcsize_t.
pcslong Pointer to signed long
pcslonglong Pointer to Signed longlong type
pcsshort Pointer to short signed integer type
pcuchar Alias for #rtl.UnixType.pcuchar
pcuint Pointer to cUInt type.
pcuint16 Pointer to 16-bit unsigned integer type
pcuint32 Pointer to unsigned 32-bit integer type
pcuint64 Pointer to unsigned 64-bit integer type
pcuint8 Pointer to 8-bits unsigned integer type
pculong Pointer to cuLong type.
pculonglong Unsigned longlong type
pcunsigned Alias for #rtl.unixtype.pcunsigned
pcushort Pointer to cuShort type.
pDev Pointer to TDev type.
pGid Pointer to TGid type.
pid_t Process ID type.
pIno Pointer to TIno type.
pMode Pointer to TMode type.
pnLink Pointer to TnLink type.
pOff Pointer to TOff type.
pPid Pointer to TPid type.
pSize Pointer to TSize type.
pSize_t Pointer to type Size_t.
pSocklen Pointer to TSockLen type.
psSize Pointer to TsSize type
pstatfs Pointer to statfs type
pthread_cond_t Thread conditional variable type.
pthread_mutex_t Thread mutex type.
pthread_t POSIX thread type.
pTime Pointer to TTime type.
ptimespec Pointer to timespec type.
ptimeval Pointer to timeval type.
ptime_t Pointer to time_t type.
pUid Pointer to TUid type.
size_t Size specification type.
socklen_t Socket address length type.
ssize_t Small size type.
TClock Alias for clock_t type.
TDev Alias for dev_t type.
TFSearchOption Describes the search strategy used by FSearch
TGid Alias for gid_t type.
timespec Short time specification type.
timeval Time specification type.
time_t Time span type
TIno Alias for ino_t type.
TIOCtlRequest Alias for the TIOCtlRequest type in unixtypes
TMode Alias for mode_t type.
TnLink Alias for nlink_t type.
TOff Alias for off_t type.
TPid Alias for pid_t type.
TSize Alias for size_t type
TSocklen Alias for socklen_t type.
TsSize Alias for ssize_t type
tstatfs Record describing a file system in the fpstatfs call.
TTime Alias for TTime type.
Ttimespec Alias for TimeSpec type.
TTimeVal Alias for timeval type.
TUid Alias for uid_t type.
uid_t User ID type

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