Check whether the process is currently stopped.


Source position: unix.pp line 120

  function WIFSTOPPED(Status: Integer) : Boolean;


WIFSTOPPED checks Status and returns true if the process is currently stopped. This is only possible if WUNTRACED was specified in the options of FpWaitPID .

See also

Name Description
#rtl.baseunix.FpWaitPID Wait for a process to terminate
#rtl.baseunix.WEXITSTATUS Extract the exit status from the fpWaitPID result.
#rtl.baseunix.WIFEXITED Check whether the process exited normally
#rtl.baseunix.WIFSIGNALED Check whether the process was exited by a signal.
#rtl.baseunix.WSTOPSIG Return the exit code from the process.
#rtl.baseunix.WTERMSIG Return the signal that caused a process to exit.
WaitProcess Wait for process to terminate.
W_EXITCODE Construct an exit status based on an return code and signal.
W_STOPCODE Construct an exit status based on a signal.

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