Blkcnt64_t |
64-bit block count |
Blkcnt_t |
Block count type. |
Blksize_t |
Block size type. |
cbool |
Boolean type |
cchar |
Alias for #rtl.UnixType.cchar |
cdouble |
Double precision real format. |
cfloat |
Floating-point real format |
cint |
C type: integer (natural size) |
cint16 |
C type: 16 bits sized, signed integer. |
cint32 |
C type: 32 bits sized, signed integer. |
cint64 |
C type: 64 bits sized, signed integer. |
cint8 |
C type: 8 bits sized, signed integer. |
clock_t |
Clock ticks type |
clong |
C type: long signed integer (double sized) |
clonglong |
C type: 64-bit (double long) signed integer. |
coff_t |
Character offset type |
cschar |
Signed character type |
cshort |
C type: short signed integer (half sized) |
csigned |
Signed integer |
csint |
Signed integer |
csize_t |
Character size type |
cslong |
Signed long |
cslonglong |
Signed longlong type |
csshort |
Short signed integer type |
cuchar |
Alias for #rtl.UnixType.cuchar |
cuint |
C type: unsigned integer (natural size) |
cuint16 |
C type: 16 bits sized, unsigned integer. |
cuint32 |
C type: 32 bits sized, unsigned integer. |
cuint64 |
C type: 64 bits sized, unsigned integer. |
cuint8 |
C type: 8 bits sized, unsigned integer. |
culong |
C type: long unsigned integer (double sized) |
culonglong |
C type: 64-bit (double long) unsigned integer. |
cunsigned |
Alias for #rtl.unixtype.cunsigned |
cushort |
C type: short unsigned integer (half sized) |
dev_t |
Device descriptor type. |
Dir |
Record used in fpOpenDir and fpReadDir calls |
Dirent |
Record used in the fpReadDir function to return files in a directory. |
FLock |
Lock description type for fpFCntl lock call. |
gid_t |
Group ID type. |
ino_t |
Inode type. |
iovec |
IO buffer structure |
kernel_gid_t |
Kernel group ID type |
kernel_loff_t |
Long kernel offset type |
kernel_mode_t |
Kernel mode type |
kernel_off_t |
Kernel offset type |
kernel_uid_t |
Kernel user ID type |
mode_t |
Inode mode type. |
nlink_t |
Number of links type. |
off_t |
Offset type. |
PBlkCnt |
pointer to TBlkCnt type. |
PBlkSize |
Pointer to TBlkSize type. |
pcbool |
Pointer to boolean type |
pcchar |
Alias for #rtl.UnixType.pcchar |
pcdouble |
Pointer to cdouble type. |
pcfloat |
Pointer to cfloat type. |
pcint |
Pointer to cInt type. |
pcint16 |
Pointer to 16-bit signed integer type |
pcint32 |
Pointer to signed 32-bit integer type |
pcint64 |
Pointer to signed 64-bit integer type |
pcint8 |
Pointer to 8-bits signed integer type |
pClock |
Pointer to TClock type. |
pclong |
Pointer to cLong type. |
pclonglong |
Pointer to longlong type. |
pcschar |
Pointer to signed character type |
pcshort |
Pointer to cShort type. |
pcsigned |
Pointer to signed integer |
pcsint |
Pointer to signed integer |
pcsize_t |
Pointer to csize_t |
pcslong |
Pointer to signed long |
pcslonglong |
Pointer to Signed longlong type |
pcsshort |
Pointer to short signed integer type |
pcuchar |
Alias for #rtl.UnixType.pcuchar |
pcuint |
Pointer to cUInt type. |
pcuint16 |
Pointer to 16-bit unsigned integer type |
pcuint32 |
Pointer to unsigned 32-bit integer type |
pcuint64 |
Pointer to unsigned 64-bit integer type |
pcuint8 |
Pointer to 8-bits unsigned integer type |
pculong |
Pointer to cuLong type. |
pculonglong |
Unsigned longlong type |
pcunsigned |
Alias for #rtl.unixtype.pcunsigned |
pcushort |
Pointer to cuShort type. |
pDev |
Pointer to TDev type. |
pDir |
Pointer to TDir record |
pDirent |
Pointer to TDirent record. |
pFDSet |
Pointer to TFDSet type. |
pFilDes |
Pointer to TFilDes type. |
pfpstate |
Pointer to tfpstate record. |
pGid |
Pointer to TGid type. |
pGrpArr |
Pointer to TGrpArr array. |
pid_t |
Process ID type. |
pIno |
Pointer to TIno type. |
piovec |
pointer to a iovec record |
pMode |
Pointer to TMode type. |
pnLink |
Pointer to TnLink type. |
pOff |
Pointer to TOff type. |
pollfd |
Poll structure |
pPid |
Pointer to TPid type. |
ppollfd |
Pointer to tpollfd. |
PRLimit |
Pointer to TRLimit record |
psigactionrec |
Pointer to SigActionRec record type. |
PSigContext |
Pointer to #rtl.baseunix.TSigContext record type. |
psiginfo |
Pointer to #rtl.baseunix.TSigInfo record type. |
psigset |
Pointer to SigSet type. |
pSize |
Pointer to TSize type. |
pSize_t |
Pointer to Size_t |
pSocklen |
Pointer to TSockLen type. |
psSize |
Pointer to TsSize type |
PStat |
Pointer to TStat type. |
pstatfs |
Pointer to statfs type |
pthread_cond_t |
Thread conditional variable type. |
pthread_mutex_t |
Thread mutex type. |
pthread_t |
POSIX thread type. |
pTime |
Pointer to TTime type. |
ptimespec |
Pointer to timespec type. |
ptimeval |
Pointer to timeval type. |
ptimezone |
Pointer to TimeZone record. |
ptime_t |
Pointer to time_t type. |
PTms |
Pointer to TTms type. |
Pucontext |
Pointer to TUContext type. |
pUid |
Pointer to TUid type. |
pUtimBuf |
Pointer to TUTimBuf type. |
PUtsName |
Pointer to TUtsName type. |
rlim_t |
TRLimit record field type |
sigactionhandler |
Callback prototype for a #rtl.baseunix.SigActionRec record. |
sigactionhandler_t |
Standard signal action handler prototype |
sigactionrec |
Record used in fpSigAction call. |
signalhandler |
Simple signal handler prototype |
signalhandler_t |
Standard signal handler prototype |
sigrestorerhandler |
Alias for sigrestorerhandler_t type. |
sigrestorerhandler_t |
Standard signal action restorer prototype |
sigset |
Signal set type |
sigset_t |
Signal set type |
size_t |
Size specification type. |
socklen_t |
Socket address length type. |
ssize_t |
Small size type. |
Stat |
Record describing an inode (file) in the FPFstat call. |
TBlkCnt |
Alias for Blkcnt_t type. |
TBlkSize |
Alias for blksize_t type. |
TClock |
Alias for clock_t type. |
TDev |
Alias for dev_t type. |
TDir |
Alias for Dir type. |
TDirent |
Alias for Dirent type. |
TFDSet |
File descriptor set for fpSelect call. |
TFDSetEl |
Type alias for an element of the TFDSet |
TFilDes |
Array of file descriptors as used in fpPipe call. |
tfpreg |
Record describing floating point register in signal handler. |
tfpstate |
Record describing floating point unit in signal handler. |
tfpxreg |
tfpx_sw_bytes |
TGid |
Alias for gid_t type. |
TGrpArr |
Array of gid_t IDs |
timespec |
Short time specification type. |
timeval |
Time specification type. |
timezone |
Record describing a timezone |
time_t |
Time span type |
TIno |
Alias for ino_t type. |
TIOCtlRequest |
Easy access alias for unixtype.TIOCtlRequest |
tiovec |
Alias for the iovec record type. |
TMode |
Alias for mode_t type. |
tms |
Record containing timings for fpTimes call. |
TnLink |
Alias for nlink_t type. |
TOff |
Alias for off_t type. |
TPid |
Alias for pid_t type. |
tpollfd |
Alias for pollfd type |
TRLimit |
Structure to return RLimit data in. |
tsigactionhandler |
Alias for sigactionhandler_t type. |
tsigaltstack |
Provide the location of an alternate signal handler stack. |
TSigContext |
Record describing the CPU context when a signal occurs. |
tsiginfo |
Record describing the signal when a signal occurs. |
tsignalhandler |
Alias for signalhandler_t type. |
tsigrestorerhandler |
Alias for sigrestorerhandler_t type. |
tsigset |
Alias for SigSet type. |
TSize |
Alias for size_t type |
TSocklen |
Alias for socklen_t type. |
TsSize |
Alias for ssize_t type |
TStat |
Alias for Stat type. |
tstatfs |
Record describing a file system in the unix.fpstatfs call. |
TTime |
Alias for TTime type. |
Ttimespec |
Alias for TimeSpec type. |
TTimeVal |
Alias for timeval type. |
TTimeZone |
Alias for TimeZone record. |
TTms |
Alias for Tms record type. |
TUcontext |
Context description record |
TUid |
Alias for uid_t type. |
TUtimBuf |
Alias for UtimBuf type. |
TUtsName |
Alias for UtsName type. |
txmmreg |
uid_t |
User ID type |
UTimBuf |
Record used in fpUtime to set file access and modification times. |
UtsName |
Record used to return kernel information in fpUName function. |