
[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]

Basic object that is managed by a TCollection class.


Source position: line 484

  TCollectionItem = class (TPersistent)
    FCollection : TCollection;
    FID : Integer;
    FUpdateCount : Integer;
    function GetIndex : Integer;
    procedure SetCollection(Value: TCollection);  Virtual;
    procedure Changed(AllItems: Boolean);
    function GetOwner : TPersistent;  Override;
    function GetDisplayName : string;  Virtual;
    procedure SetIndex(Value: Integer);  Virtual;
    procedure SetDisplayName(const Value: string);  Virtual;
    UpdateCount : Integer;
    constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection);  Virtual;
    destructor Destroy;  Override;
    function GetNamePath : string;  Override;
    Collection : TCollection;
    ID : Integer;
    Index : Integer;
    DisplayName : string;


TCollectionItem and TCollection form a pair of base classes that manage a collection of named objects. The TCollectionItem is the named object that is managed, it represents one item in the collection. An item in the collection is represented by three properties: TCollectionItem.DisplayName , TCollection.Index]() and TCollectionItem.ID .

A TCollectionItem object is never created directly. To manage a set of named items, it is necessary to make a descendant of TCollectionItem to which needed properties and methods are added. This descendant can then be managed with a TCollection class. The managing collection will create and destroy it's items by itself, it should therefore never be necessary to create TCollectionItem descendants manually.


Member Type Visibility Description
Changed Method protected Method to notify the managing collection that the name or index of this item has changed.
Collection Property public Pointer to the collection managing this item.
Create Method public Creates a new instance of this collection item.
Destroy Method public Destroys this collection item.
DisplayName Property public Name of the item, displayed in the object inspector.
FCollection Field private
FID Field private
FUpdateCount Field private
GetDisplayName Method protected Returns the TCollectionItem.DisplayName of the collectionitem
GetIndex Method private
GetNamePath Method public Returns the namepath of this collection item.
GetOwner Method protected Returns the managing collection.
ID Property public Initial index of this item.
Index Property public Index of the item in its managing collection TCollection.Items property.
SetCollection Method protected
SetDisplayName Method protected Write method for the TCollectionItem.DisplayName property
SetIndex Method protected Write method for the TCollectionItem.Index property.
UpdateCount Property protected


Class Description
TCollectionItem Basic object that is managed by a TCollection class.

See also

Name Description
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
TCollection Base class to manage collections of named objects.
TCollection Base class to manage collections of named objects.
TCollection Base class to manage collections of named objects.