cbool |
C boolean (longbool) |
cchar |
C character type (No signedness specification, 8 bit integer) |
cdouble |
Double precision floating point type (double) |
cfloat |
Single precision floating point type (single) |
cint |
C integer (commonly 32 bit) |
cint16 |
16-bit signed integer. |
cint32 |
32-bit signed integer (commonly: int) |
cint64 |
64-bit integer |
cint8 |
8-bit signed integer |
clong |
long integer (32/64 bit, depending on CPU register size) |
clongdouble |
Long precision floating point type (extended/double, depending on CPU) |
clonglong |
Long (64-bit) integer |
coff_t |
Generic type to indicate offset |
cschar |
C signed character type (8 bit signed integer) |
cshort |
Short integer (16 bit) |
csigned |
Signed integer (commonly 32 bit) |
csint |
Signed integer (commonly 32 bit) |
csize_t |
Generic type to contain a size of all kinds of structures |
cslong |
Signed long integer (32/64 bit, depending on CPU register size) |
cslonglong |
Signed long (64-bit) integer |
csshort |
Short signed integer (16 bit) |
cuchar |
C unsigned character type (8 bit unsigned integer). |
cuint |
Unsigned integer (commonly 32 bit) |
cuint16 |
16-bit unsigned integer. |
cuint32 |
32-bit unsigned integer |
cuint64 |
Unsigned 64-bit integer |
cuint8 |
8-bit unsigned integer |
culong |
Unsigned long integer (32/64 bit, depending on CPU register size) |
culonglong |
Unsigned long (64-bit) integer |
cunsigned |
Unsigned integer (commonly 32 bit) |
cushort |
Short unsigned integer (16 bit) |
pcbool |
Pointer to cbool type. |
pcchar |
Pointer to cchar type. |
pcdouble |
Pointer to cdouble type. |
pcfloat |
Pointer to cfloat type. |
pcint |
Pointer to cint type. |
pcint16 |
Pointer to cint16 type. |
pcint32 |
Pointer to cint32 type. |
pcint64 |
Pointer to cint64 type. |
pcint8 |
Pointer to cint8 type. |
pclong |
Pointer to clong type. |
Pclongdouble |
Pointer to clongdouble type. |
pclonglong |
Pointer to clonglong type. |
pcschar |
Pointer to cschar type. |
pcshort |
Pointer to cshort type. |
pcsigned |
Pointer to csigned type. |
pcsint |
Pointer to csint type. |
pcsize_t |
Pointer to generic size type |
pcslong |
Pointer to cslong type. |
pcslonglong |
Pointer to cslonglong type. |
pcsshort |
Pointer to csshort type. |
pcuchar |
Pointer to cuchar type. |
pcuint |
Pointer to cuint type. |
pcuint16 |
Pointer to cuint16 type. |
pcuint32 |
Pointer to cuint32 type. |
pcuint64 |
Pointer to cuint64 type. |
pcuint8 |
Pointer to cuint8 type. |
pculong |
Pointer to culong type. |
pculonglong |
Pointer to culonglong type. |
pcunsigned |
Pointer to cunsigned type. |
pcushort |
Pointer to cushort type. |