Encode a year, week and day of week triplet to a TDateTime value
Source position: line 315
function TryEncodeDateWeek(const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word;
out AValue: TDateTime; const ADayOfWeek: Word)
: Boolean;
function TryEncodeDateWeek(const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word;
out AValue: TDateTime) : Boolean;
TryEncodeDateWeek encodes the values AYear, AWeekOfYear and ADayOfWeek to a date value and returns this value in AValue.
If the encoding was successful, True is returned. False is returned if any of the arguments is not valid.
See also
Name | Description |
EncodeDateDay | Encodes a year and day of year to a TDateTime value |
EncodeDateMonthWeek | Encodes a year, month, week of month and day of week to a TDateTime value |
EncodeDateTime | Encodes a TDateTime value from all its parts |
EncodeDateWeek | Encode a TDateTime value from a year, week and day of week triplet |
TryEncodeDateDay | Encode a year and day of year to a TDateTime value |
TryEncodeDateMonthWeek | Encode a year, month, week of month and day of week to a TDateTime value |
TryEncodeDateTime | Encode a Year, Month, Day, Hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds tuplet to a TDateTime value |
Program Example82;
{ This program demonstrates the TryEncodeDateWeek function }
Uses SysUtils,DateUtils;
Y,W,Dow : Word;
TS : TDateTime;
If TryEncodeDateWeek(Y,W,TS,Dow) then
Writeln('Today is : ',DateToStr(TS))
Writeln('Invalid date/week indication');