
Add a key and value to the map


Source position: fgl.pp line 424

  function Add(const AKey: TKey; const AData: TData) : Integer;
  function Add(const AKey: TKey) : Integer;


Add adds a new key AKey of generic type TKey with data value AData to the list and returns the position at which the key was added.


If the item could not be added, an EListError exception is raised. If Duplicates is set to dupError and a duplicate key is added, an EListError exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
TFPGMapInterfacedObjectData.Data Indexed access to the data in the list
TFPGMapInterfacedObjectData.IndexOf Find index of a key in the list.
TFPGMapInterfacedObjectData.KeyData Access to data based on key
TFPGMapInterfacedObjectData.Keys Indexed access to the keys in the list.