[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]
Basic list of memory blocks
Source position: fgl.pp line 46
TFPSList = class (TObject)
FList : PByte;
FCount : Integer;
FCapacity : Integer;
FItemSize : Integer;
procedure CopyItem(Src: Pointer; Dest: Pointer); Virtual;
procedure CopyItems(Src: Pointer; Dest: Pointer; aCount: Integer)
; Virtual;
procedure Deref(Item: Pointer); Virtual; Overload;
procedure Deref(FromIndex: Integer; ToIndex: Integer); Overload;
function Get(Index: Integer) : Pointer;
procedure InternalExchange(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer);
function InternalGet(Index: Integer) : Pointer;
procedure InternalPut(Index: Integer; NewItem: Pointer);
procedure Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
procedure QuickSort(L: Integer; R: Integer;
Compare: TFPSListCompareFunc);
procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
procedure RaiseIndexError(Index: Integer);
InternalItems[Index: Integer]: Pointer;
function GetLast : Pointer;
procedure SetLast(const Value: Pointer);
function GetFirst : Pointer;
procedure SetFirst(const Value: Pointer);
procedure CheckIndex(AIndex: Integer);
constructor Create(AItemSize: Integer);
destructor Destroy; Override;
class function ItemIsManaged : Boolean; Virtual;
function Add(Item: Pointer) : Integer;
procedure Clear;
procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
procedure DeleteRange(IndexFrom: Integer; IndexTo: Integer);
class procedure Error(const Msg: string; Data: PtrInt);
procedure Exchange(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer);
function Expand : TFPSList;
procedure Extract(Item: Pointer; ResultPtr: Pointer);
function IndexOf(Item: Pointer) : Integer;
procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
function Insert(Index: Integer) : Pointer;
procedure Move(CurIndex: Integer; NewIndex: Integer);
procedure Assign(Obj: TFPSList);
procedure AddList(Obj: TFPSList);
function Remove(Item: Pointer) : Integer;
procedure Pack;
procedure Sort(Compare: TFPSListCompareFunc);
procedure Sort(Compare: TFPSListCompareFunc;
SortingAlgorithm: PSortingAlgorithm);
Capacity : Integer;
Count : Integer;
Items[Index: Integer]: Pointer; default;
ItemSize : Integer;
List : PByte;
First : Pointer;
Last : Pointer;
TFPSList can be seen as the generalized equivalent of the classes unit TFPList list. It is used as a base class for the TFPGList , TFPGMap , TFPGObjectList , TFPGInterfacedObjectList and TFPGMapInterfacedObjectData generic classes.
This list is not meant to be used directly, it is an auxiliary class for the actual generic list classes.
Member | Type | Visibility | Description |
Add | Method | public | Add a new item to the list |
AddList | Method | public | Adds the elements from another list |
Assign | Method | public | Copy one list to another |
Capacity | Property | public | Current capacity of the list |
CheckIndex | Method | protected | |
Clear | Method | public | Clear the list |
CopyItem | Method | protected | |
CopyItems | Method | protected | |
Count | Property | public | Current element count |
Create | Method | public | Create a new instance of TFPSList |
Delete | Method | public | Delete an item from the list |
DeleteRange | Method | public | Delete a range of elements |
Deref | Method | protected | |
Destroy | Method | public | Destroy the list instance. |
Error | Method | public | Raise an EListError exception. |
Exchange | Method | public | Exchange two items in the list |
Expand | Method | public | Expand the capacity of the list |
Extract | Method | public | delete an element from the list |
FCapacity | Field | protected | |
FCount | Field | protected | |
First | Property | public | Pointer to first non-empty item in the list |
FItemSize | Field | protected | |
FList | Field | protected | |
Get | Method | protected | |
GetFirst | Method | protected | |
GetLast | Method | protected | |
IndexOf | Method | public | Search an item in the list |
Insert | Method | public | Insert a new item in the list. |
InternalExchange | Method | protected | |
InternalGet | Method | protected | |
InternalItems | Property | protected | |
InternalPut | Method | protected | |
ItemIsManaged | Method | public | |
Items | Property | public | Items in the list |
ItemSize | Property | public | Size of the items in the list |
Last | Property | public | Pointer to last non-empty item in the list |
List | Property | public | Internal list pointer |
Move | Method | public | Moves an item from one position in the list to another. |
Pack | Method | public | Remove empty items from the list |
Put | Method | protected | |
QuickSort | Method | protected | |
RaiseIndexError | Method | protected | |
Remove | Method | public | Remove the item from the list |
SetCapacity | Method | protected | |
SetCount | Method | protected | |
SetFirst | Method | protected | |
SetLast | Method | protected | |
Sort | Method | public | Sort the list |
Class | Description |
TFPSList | Basic list of memory blocks |
See also
Name | Description |
classes.TFPList | Class to manage collections of pointers. |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
PByte | Pointer to byte type |
PByte | Pointer to byte type |
TFPGInterfacedObjectList | Generic interfaced object list |
TFPGMap | Generic map |
TFPGMapInterfacedObjectData | Generic map for reference counted objects |
TFPGObjectList | Generic object list |