Find last occurrence of substring or character in a string
Source position: strutils.pp line 181
function RPos(c: Char; const S: AnsiString) : SizeInt; Overload;
function RPos(const Substr: AnsiString; const Source: AnsiString)
: SizeInt; Overload;
function RPos(c: UnicodeChar; const S: UnicodeString) : SizeInt
; Overload;
function RPos(const Substr: UnicodeString; const Source: UnicodeString)
: SizeInt; Overload;
RPos looks in S for the character C or the string SubStr. It starts looking at the end of the string, and searches towards the beginning of the string. If a match is found, it returns the position of the match.
See also
Name | Description |
RPosEx | Find last occurrence substring or character in a string, starting at a certain position |