
Try to convert a roman numeral to an integer value.


Source position: strutils.pp line 226

  function TryRomanToInt(S: string; out N: LongInt; 
                        Strictness: TRomanConversionStrictness) : Boolean;


TryRomanToInt will try to convert the roman numeral in S to an integer and returns the integer value in N. The strictness of the conversion algorithm is determined by Strictness. If the conversion succeeds, then True is returned, or else False.

See also

Name Description
IntToRoman Represent an integer with roman numerals
RomanToInt Convert a string with a Roman number to it's decimal value.
RomanToIntDef Convert a roman numeral to an integer value
TRomanConversionStrictness How to treat invalid roman numerals in TryRomanToInt.