Reference for unit 'sysutils': Classes

Class Description
EAbort Abort error.
EAbstractError Abstract error.
EAccessViolation Access Violation error
EArgumentException Invalid argument passed to a function
EArgumentNilException Exception raised when a required argument is Nil.
EArgumentOutOfRangeException Argument out of valid range passed to a function
EAssertionFailed Assertion failed error.
EBusError Bus error exception
EControlC Control-C (abort) was pressed on the console.
EConvertError Conversion error.
EDirectoryNotFoundException Exception raised when a directory is not found.
EDivByZero Division by zero error.
EEncodingError Exception raised by the TEncoding class.
EExternal External Exception.
EExternalException External exception
EFileNotFoundException Exception raised when a file is not found.
EFormatError Formatting error exception
EHeapMemoryError Heap memory error
EInOutError Input/Output error
EIntError Integer operation error.
EIntfCastError Invalid interface cast error.
EIntOverflow Integer overflow error.
EInvalidCast Invalid typecast error.
EInvalidContainer Invalid container error.
EInvalidInsert Invalid insert error.
EInvalidOp Invalid operation.
EInvalidPointer Invalid pointer operation
EMathError Mathematical error
ENoConstructException Error raised when instantiating a TCharacter class
ENoThreadSupport No Thread support error.
ENotImplemented Exception raised in case of a not implemented feature.
ENotSupportedException Exception raised when a feature is not supported.
ENoWideStringSupport Exception raised if no widestring support is available in the executable
EObjectCheck A Nil object reference was encountered
EOSError Operating system error.
EOutOfMemory Out of memory error.
EOverflow Float overflow error.
EPackageError Package error.
EPathNotFoundException Exception raised when a path is not found.
EPathTooLongException Exception raised when a path name is too long.
EPrivilege Privileged instruction error.
EPropReadOnly Read-only property error.
EPropWriteOnly Write-only property error.
ERangeError Range check error.
ESafecallException SafeCall exception.
EStackOverflow Stack overflow error.
EUnderflow Float underflow error
EVariantError Variant error.
Exception Base class of all exceptions.
EZeroDivide Division by zero error.
IReadWriteSync Read/Write synchronizer
TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding Big-endian UTF-16 Unicode encoding
TBooleanHelper Helper for the Boolean type.
TByteBoolHelper Helper for the ByteBool type.
TByteHelper Helper for a byte-typed ordinal value
TCardinalHelper Helper for a Cardinal-typed ordinal value
TDoubleHelper Helper for Double floating point type
TEncoding Encoding support
TExtendedHelper Helper for Extended floating point type
TGuidHelper Helper type for TGUID
TInt64Helper Helper for a Int64-typed ordinal value
TIntegerHelper Helper for a Integer-typed ordinal value
TLongBoolHelper Helper for the LongBool type.
TMBCSEncoding Multi-Byte character set encoding
TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer Standard implementation of a IReadWriteSync interface
TNativeIntHelper Helper for a NativeInt-typed ordinal value
TNativeUIntHelper Helper for a NativeUInt-typed ordinal value
TQWordHelper Helper for a QWord-typed ordinal value
TShortIntHelper Helper for a ShortInt-typed ordinal value
TSimpleRWSync Read/Write synchronizing object.
TSingleHelper Helper for Single floating point type
TSmallIntHelper Helper for a SmallInt-typed ordinal value
TStringHelper Helper type for strings.
TUnicodeEncoding UTF-16 Unicode encoding
TUTF7Encoding UTF-7 Unicode encoding
TUTF8Encoding UTF-8 Unicode encoding
TWordBoolHelper Helper for the WordBool type.
TWordHelper Helper for a Word-typed ordinal value