[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]
Helper for Single floating point type
Source position: syshelph.inc line 201
TSingleHelper = type helper type for Single
function GetB(AIndex: Cardinal) : Byte;
function GetW(AIndex: Cardinal) : Word;
function GetE : QWord;
function GetF : QWord;
function GetS : Boolean;
procedure SetB(AIndex: Cardinal; const AValue: Byte);
procedure SetW(AIndex: Cardinal; const AValue: Word);
procedure SetE(AValue: QWord);
procedure SetF(AValue: QWord);
procedure SetS(AValue: Boolean);
Epsilon : Single = 1.4012984643248170709e-45;
MaxValue : Single = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0;
MinValue : Single = - 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0;
PositiveInfinity : Single = 1.0 / 0.0;
NegativeInfinity : Single = (- 1.0) / (0.0);
NaN : Single = 0.0 / 0.0;
class function IsNan(const AValue: Single) : Boolean; Overload; Static;
function IsNan : Boolean; Overload;
class function IsInfinity(const AValue: Single) : Boolean; Overload
; Static;
function IsInfinity : Boolean; Overload;
class function IsNegativeInfinity(const AValue: Single) : Boolean
; Overload; Static;
function IsNegativeInfinity : Boolean; Overload;
class function IsPositiveInfinity(const AValue: Single) : Boolean
; Overload; Static;
function IsPositiveInfinity : Boolean; Overload;
class function Parse(const AString: string) : Single; Overload; Static;
class function Parse(const AString: string;
const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : Single
; Overload; Static;
class function Size : Integer; Static;
class function ToString(const AValue: Single) : string; Overload
; Static;
class function ToString(const AValue: Single;
const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string
; Overload; Static;
class function ToString(const AValue: Single;
const AFormat: TFloatFormat;
const APrecision: Integer;
const ADigits: Integer) : string; Overload
; Static;
class function ToString(const AValue: Single;
const AFormat: TFloatFormat;
const APrecision: Integer;
const ADigits: Integer;
const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string
; Overload; Static;
function ToString(const AFormat: TFloatFormat;
const APrecision: Integer; const ADigits: Integer)
: string; Overload;
function ToString(const AFormat: TFloatFormat;
const APrecision: Integer; const ADigits: Integer;
const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string
; Overload;
function ToString(const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string
; Overload;
function ToString : string; Overload;
class function TryParse(const AString: string; out AValue: Single)
: Boolean; Overload; Static;
class function TryParse(const AString: string; out AValue: Single;
const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : Boolean
; Overload; Static;
procedure BuildUp(const ASignFlag: Boolean; const AMantissa: QWord;
const AExponent: Integer);
function Exponent : Integer;
function Fraction : Extended;
function Mantissa : QWord;
function SpecialType : TFloatSpecial;
Bytes[AIndex: Cardinal]: Byte;
Words[AIndex: Cardinal]: Word;
Sign : Boolean;
Exp : QWord;
Frac : QWord;
TSingleHelper is the helper type for the single-sized floating point type. It contains some conversion methods, as well as access to the low-level structure of the floating-point representation of a single.
Member | Type | Visibility | Description |
BuildUp | Method | public | Build a single-sized floating point from its composing parts |
Bytes | Property | public | Indexed access to the individual bytes of the floating point value |
Epsilon | Constant | public | Precision for this floating point type |
Exp | Property | public | The bit pattern of the exponent as stored in memory. |
Exponent | Method | public | Exponent of the floating-point value |
Frac | Property | public | Bitpattern that makes up the fractional part. |
Fraction | Method | public | Fraction of the floating-point value |
GetB | Method | private | |
GetE | Method | private | |
GetF | Method | private | |
GetS | Method | private | |
GetW | Method | private | |
IsInfinity | Method | public | Check whether a value is positive or negative infinity. |
IsNan | Method | public | Check whether a value equals NaN. |
IsNegativeInfinity | Method | public | Check whether a value is negative infinity. |
IsPositiveInfinity | Method | public | Check whether a value is positive infinity. |
Mantissa | Method | public | Mantissa of the floating-point |
MaxValue | Constant | public | Largest possible value for the Single floating point type |
MinValue | Constant | public | Smallest (negative) possible value for the Single floating point type |
NaN | Constant | public | Representation of NaN (Not a Number) |
NegativeInfinity | Constant | public | Negative infinity as represented by a single floating point type |
Parse | Method | public | Convert a string to a floating point value |
PositiveInfinity | Constant | public | Positive infinity as represented by a single floating point type |
SetB | Method | private | |
SetE | Method | private | |
SetF | Method | private | |
SetS | Method | private | |
SetW | Method | private | |
Sign | Property | public | Sign of the floating point value |
Size | Method | public | Size (in bytes) of a single-sized floating point value. |
SpecialType | Method | public | Return the type of the single-sized floating point value |
ToString | Method | public | Convert a single-sized floating point value to a string |
TryParse | Method | public | Try to convert a string to a single-sized floating point value. |
Words | Property | public | Indexed access to the words that make up the floating point value |
Class | Description |
TSingleHelper | Helper for Single floating point type |
See also
Name | Description |
Byte | An unsigned 8-bits integer |
QWord | 64-bit unsigned integer |
QWord | 64-bit unsigned integer |
TDoubleHelper | Helper for Double floating point type |
TExtendedHelper | Helper for Extended floating point type |
Word | An unsigned 16-bits integer |