Replace one occurrence of a string with another
Source position: sysunih.inc line 70
function UnicodeStringReplace(const S: UnicodeString;
const OldPattern: UnicodeString;
const NewPattern: UnicodeString;
Flags: TReplaceFlags) : UnicodeString;
function UnicodeStringReplace(const S: UnicodeString;
const OldPattern: UnicodeString;
const NewPattern: UnicodeString;
Flags: TReplaceFlags; out aCount: Integer)
: UnicodeString;
UnicodeStringReplace is the Unicode version of StringReplace ; it follows the same rules and has the same behaviour, but operates on Unicode strings instead of ansistrings.
See also
Name | Description |
StringReplace | Replace occurrences of one substring with another in a string. |