
Get unicode character data


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 493

  function GetProps(const ACodePoint: Word) : PUC_Prop;  Overload;
  function GetProps(const AHighS: UnicodeChar; const ALowS: UnicodeChar)
                    : PUC_Prop;  Overload;
  function GetProps(const ACodePoint: Cardinal) : PUC_Prop;  Overload;


GetProps returns a pointer to a general unicode character property data structure. The character can be specified using a word or cardinal sized codepoint (ACodePoint), or using a UTF16 encoded surrogate pair (AHighS,ALowS).

The returned pointer must not be freed, it points to part of a static structure.

See also

Name Description
GetPropUCA Get unicode collation algorithm properties for a unicode character