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Interface needed for custom variants that need to implement dynamic properties and methods


Source position: variants.pp line 214

  IVarInvokeable = interface ['{1CB65C52-BBCB-41A6-9E58-7FB916BEEB2D}']
    function DoFunction(var Dest: tvardata; const V: tvardata; 
                       const Name: string; const Arguments: TVarDataArray)
                        : Boolean;
    function DoProcedure(const V: tvardata; const Name: string; 
                        const Arguments: TVarDataArray) : Boolean;
    function GetProperty(var Dest: tvardata; const V: tvardata; 
                        const Name: string) : Boolean;
    function SetProperty(var V: tvardata; const Name: string; 
                        const Value: tvardata) : Boolean;


IVarInvokeable must be implemented by the TCustomVariantType descendent if the custom variant needs to implement dynamic properties and methods.

IVarInvokeable has four functions that must be implemented. Any of these functions can be called whenever a custom variant's method is invoked or a property of the variant is read or written using DispInvoke.

The TCustomVariantType descendent TInvokeableVariantType implements the needed DispInvoke to call the IVarInvokeable interface, so you can descend from that type instead when creating a new custom variant type and override the needed functions.


Member Type Visibility Description
DoFunction Method default Called for methods that return a result (functions)
DoProcedure Method default Called for methods that do not return a result (procedures)
GetProperty Method default Called when a property must be read
SetProperty Method default Called when a property must be set


Class Description
IVarInvokeable Interface needed for custom variants that need to implement dynamic properties and methods

See also

Name Description
TCustomVariantType Base class for a custom variant type
TInvokeableVariantType TCustomVariantType descendent that implements DispInvoke