Special type for handling modules. |
Type to manage resources |
PPointerList |
Pointer to an array of pointers. |
PStringItem |
Pointer to a TStringItem record. |
PStringItemList |
Pointer to a TStringItemList . |
TActiveXRegType |
Used when registering ActveX component types. |
TAlignment |
Type to specify text alignment in controls that display text. |
TAncestorNotFoundEvent |
This event occurs when an ancestor component cannot be found. |
TBasicActionClass |
TBasicAction class reference. |
TBasicActionLinkClass |
TBasicActionLink class reference. |
TBiDiMode |
BIDI description |
TBitArray |
Array to store bits. |
TCollectionItemClass |
Class reference for TCollectionItem . |
TCollectionNotification |
Collection change notification enumeration. |
TCollectionSortCompare |
Callback to sort collection items |
TComponentClass |
Class of TComponent |
TComponentName |
Special type for component names. |
TComponentState |
Indicates the state of the component during the streaming process. |
TComponentStyle |
Describes the style of the component. |
TCreateComponentEvent |
Event handler type, occurs when a component instance must be created when a component is read from a stream. |
TDataModuleClass |
Class pointer for TDataModule |
TDuplicates |
Type to describe what to do with duplicate values in a TStringlist . |
TExceptionClass |
Class of Exception |
TFilerFlag |
Flags used by the TFiler class |
TFilerFlags |
Set of TFilerFlag |
TFindAncestorEvent |
Event that occurs w |
TFindComponentClassEvent |
Event handler type, occurs when a component class pointer must be found when reading a component from a stream. |
TFindGlobalComponent |
Callback type to search for a component. |
TFindMethodEvent |
Occurs when the streaming process needs to locate a method |
TFPObservedOperation |
Operation which is reported to an observer |
TGetChildProc |
Callback used when obtaining child components. |
TGetStrProc |
Event for retrieving string values. |
THandle |
Type to manage streams. |
THelpContext |
Range type to specify help contexts. |
THelpEvent |
Special event for display of online help. |
THelpType |
Enumeration type specifying the kind of help requested. |
TIdentMapEntry |
Record used when associating names with integer values. |
TIdentToInt |
Callback for converting identifiers to integers. |
TInitComponentHandler |
Callback type for RegisterInitComponentHandler |
TIntToIdent |
Callback for converting integers to identifiers. |
TLeftRight |
Subrange type based on TAlignment |
TListAssignOp |
List assign operation |
TListCallback |
Method callback type for TFPList.ForEachCall |
TListNotification |
Kind of list notification event. |
TListSortCompare |
Callback type for the list sort algorithm. |
TListStaticCallback |
Static method callback type for TFPList.ForEachCall |
TMissingNameValueSeparatorAction |
TMissingNameValueSeparatorActions |
TNotifyCallBack |
Thread termination callback handler |
TNotifyEvent |
Standard event handler type. |
TObjectTextEncoding |
Encoding of the object text file |
TOperation |
Operation of which a component is notified. |
TPersistentClass |
Class reference type for TPersistent . |
TPoint |
Special type to handle a fake TComponent position |
TPointerList |
Type for an Array of pointers. |
TPropertyNotFoundEvent |
Callback for the TReader.OnPropertyNotFound event. |
TReadComponentsProc |
Callback type when reading a component from a stream |
TReaderError |
Event handler type, called when an error occurs during the streaming. |
TReaderProc |
Reader procedure used by DefineProperties]() |
TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent |
Callback for the TReader.OnReadStringProperty event handler |
TRect |
Describes a rectangle |
TReferenceNameEvent |
Occurs when a named object needs to be looked up. |
TSeekOrigin |
Specifies the origin of the TStream.Seek method. |
TSetMethodPropertyEvent |
Callback for the TReader.OnSetMethodProperty event. |
TSetNameEvent |
Occurs when the reader needs to set a component's name. |
TShiftState |
Indicates what special keys were pressed in combination with a normal key |
TShiftStateEnum |
Keyboard/Mouse shift state enumerator |
TShortCut |
Enumeration type to identify shortcut key combinations. |
TSmallPoint |
Type to describe point in a small plane. |
TStreamOwnership |
Determines the ownership of a TStreamAdapter |
TStreamProc |
Procedure type used in streaming. |
TStringItem |
The TStringItem is used to store the string and object items in a TStringList string list instance. It should never be used directly. |
TStringItemList |
Array of TStringItem records. |
TStringListSortCompare |
Callback type used in stringlist compares. |
TStringsClass |
TStringsFilterMethod |
TStringsForEachMethod |
TStringsForEachMethodEx |
TStringsForEachMethodExObj |
TStringsMapMethod |
TStringsOption |
Enumeration of options used in TStrings |
TStringsOptions |
Set of TStringsOption |
TStringsReduceMethod |
TStringsSortStyle |
Determines how the strings are sorted |
TStringsSortStyles |
Set of TStringsSortStyle |
TSynchronizeProcVar |
Synchronize callback type |
TThreadExecuteCallBack |
Signature of procedure to execute in a thread, without status reporting |
TThreadExecuteHandler |
Signature of method to execute in a thread, without status reporting |
TThreadExecuteStatusCallBack |
Signature of procedure to execute in a thread, with status reporting |
TThreadExecuteStatusHandler |
Signature of method to execute in a thread, with status reporting |
TThreadMethod |
Procedure variable used when synchronizing threads. |
TThreadPriority |
Enumeration specifying the priority at which a thread runs. |
TThreadReportStatus |
Thread status report callback prototype |
TThreadStatusNotifyCallBack |
Signature of thread status report callback |
TThreadStatusNotifyEvent |
Signature of thread status report event handler |
TTopBottom |
TValueType |
Enumerated type used to identify the kind of streamed property |
TVerticalAlignment |
TWriteMethodPropertyEvent |
Callback for the TWriter.OnWriteMethodProperty event. |
TWriterProc |
Writer procedure used by DefineProperties]() |