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Abstract base class for all Actions.


Source position: line 2175

  TBasicAction = class (TComponent)
    FActionComponent : TComponent;
    FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
    FOnExecute : TNotifyEvent;
    FOnUpdate : TNotifyEvent;
    FClients : TFPList;
    procedure Change;  Virtual;
    procedure SetOnExecute(Value: TNotifyEvent);  Virtual;
    OnChange : TNotifyEvent;
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);  Override;
    destructor Destroy;  Override;
    function HandlesTarget(Target: TObject) : Boolean;  Virtual;
    procedure UpdateTarget(Target: TObject);  Virtual;
    procedure ExecuteTarget(Target: TObject);  Virtual;
    function Execute : Boolean;  Dynamic;
    procedure RegisterChanges(Value: TBasicActionLink);
    procedure UnRegisterChanges(Value: TBasicActionLink);
    function Update : Boolean;  Virtual;
    ActionComponent : TComponent;
    OnExecute : TNotifyEvent;
    OnUpdate : TNotifyEvent;


TBasicAction implements a basic action class from which all actions are derived. It introduces all basic methods of an action, and implements functionality to maintain a list of clients, i.e. components that are connected with this action.

Do not create instances of TBasicAction. Instead, create a descendant class and create an instance of this class instead.


Member Type Visibility Description
ActionComponent Property public Returns the component that initiated the action.
Change Method protected Calls the OnChange]() handler.
Create Method public Creates a new instance of a TBasicAction class.
Destroy Method public Destroys the action.
Execute Method public Triggers the OnExecute event
ExecuteTarget Method public Executes the action on the Target object
FActionComponent Field private
FClients Field protected List with components linked to this action.
FOnChange Field private
FOnExecute Field private
FOnUpdate Field private
HandlesTarget Method public Determines whether Target can be handled by this action
OnChange Property protected Occurs when one of the action's properties changes.
OnExecute Property public Event triggered when the action executes.
OnUpdate Property public Event triggered when the application is idle.
RegisterChanges Method public Registers a new client with the action.
SetOnExecute Method protected Assigns an OnExecute event handler
UnRegisterChanges Method public Unregisters a client from the list of clients
Update Method public Triggers the OnUpdate event
UpdateTarget Method public Notify client controls when the action updates itself.


Class Description
TBasicAction Abstract base class for all Actions.

See also

Name Description
TBasicActionLink Link between actions and action clients (e.g. controls)
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TFPList Class to manage collections of pointers.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.