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Generic reader object which reads component data from any given source.


Source position: line 1499

  TReader = class (TFiler)
    FDriver : TAbstractObjectReader;
    FOwner : TComponent;
    FParent : TComponent;
    FFixups : TObject;
    FLoaded : TFPList;
    FOnFindMethod : TFindMethodEvent;
    FOnSetMethodProperty : TSetMethodPropertyEvent;
    FOnSetName : TSetNameEvent;
    FOnReferenceName : TReferenceNameEvent;
    FOnAncestorNotFound : TAncestorNotFoundEvent;
    FOnError : TReaderError;
    FOnPropertyNotFound : TPropertyNotFoundEvent;
    FOnFindComponentClass : TFindComponentClassEvent;
    FOnCreateComponent : TCreateComponentEvent;
    FPropName : string;
    FCanHandleExcepts : Boolean;
    FOnReadStringProperty : TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent;
    procedure DoFixupReferences;
    function FindComponentClass(const AClassName: string) : TComponentClass;
    procedure Lock;
    procedure Unlock;
    function Error(const Message: string) : Boolean;  Virtual;
    function FindMethod(ARoot: TComponent; const AMethodName: string)
                        : CodePointer;  Virtual;
    procedure ReadProperty(AInstance: TPersistent);
    procedure ReadPropValue(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: Pointer);
    procedure PropertyError;
    procedure ReadData(Instance: TComponent);
    PropName : string;
    CanHandleExceptions : Boolean;
    function CreateDriver(Stream: TStream; BufSize: Integer)
                          : TAbstractObjectReader;  Virtual;
    constructor Create(Stream: TStream; BufSize: Integer);
    destructor Destroy;  Override;
    procedure FlushBuffer;  Override;
    procedure BeginReferences;
    procedure CheckValue(Value: TValueType);
    procedure DefineProperty(const Name: string; AReadData: TReaderProc; 
                            WriteData: TWriterProc; HasData: Boolean)
                            ;  Override;
    procedure DefineBinaryProperty(const Name: string; 
                                  AReadData: TStreamProc; 
                                  WriteData: TStreamProc; HasData: Boolean)
                                  ;  Override;
    function EndOfList : Boolean;
    procedure EndReferences;
    procedure FixupReferences;
    function NextValue : TValueType;
    procedure Read(var Buf; Count: LongInt);  Virtual;
    function ReadBoolean : Boolean;
    function ReadChar : Char;
    function ReadWideChar : WideChar;
    function ReadUnicodeChar : UnicodeChar;
    procedure ReadCollection(Collection: TCollection);
    function ReadComponent(Component: TComponent) : TComponent;
    procedure ReadComponents(AOwner: TComponent; AParent: TComponent; 
                            Proc: TReadComponentsProc);
    function ReadFloat : Extended;
    function ReadSingle : Single;
    function ReadDate : TDateTime;
    function ReadCurrency : Currency;
    function ReadIdent : string;
    function ReadInteger : LongInt;
    function ReadInt64 : Int64;
    function ReadSet(EnumType: Pointer) : Integer;
    procedure ReadListBegin;
    procedure ReadListEnd;
    function ReadRootComponent(ARoot: TComponent) : TComponent;
    function ReadVariant : Variant;
    procedure ReadSignature;
    function ReadString : string;
    function ReadWideString : WideString;
    function ReadUnicodeString : UnicodeString;
    function ReadValue : TValueType;
    procedure CopyValue(Writer: TWriter);
    Driver : TAbstractObjectReader;
    Owner : TComponent;
    Parent : TComponent;
    OnError : TReaderError;
    OnPropertyNotFound : TPropertyNotFoundEvent;
    OnFindMethod : TFindMethodEvent;
    OnSetMethodProperty : TSetMethodPropertyEvent;
    OnSetName : TSetNameEvent;
    OnReferenceName : TReferenceNameEvent;
    OnAncestorNotFound : TAncestorNotFoundEvent;
    OnCreateComponent : TCreateComponentEvent;
    OnFindComponentClass : TFindComponentClassEvent;
    OnReadStringProperty : TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent;


The TReader class is a reader class that implements generic component streaming capabilities, independent of the format of the data in the stream. It uses a driver class TAbstractObjectReader to do the actual reading of data. The interface of the TReader class should be identical to the interface in Delphi.

Note that the TReader design is such that it can read a single component from a stream. It will read all children of this component, but it is not designed to read multiple components in succession from one stream.

It should never be necessary to create an instance of this class directly. Instead, the TStream.ReadComponent call should be used.


Member Type Visibility Description
BeginReferences Method public Initializes the component referencing mechanism.
CanHandleExceptions Property protected Indicates whether the reader is handling exceptions at this stage.
CheckValue Method public Raises an exception if the next value in the stream is not of type Value
CopyValue Method public Copy a value to a writer.
Create Method public Creates a new reader class
CreateDriver Method protected
DefineBinaryProperty Method public Reads a user-defined binary property from the stream.
DefineProperty Method public Reads a user-defined property from the stream.
Destroy Method public Destroys a reader class.
DoFixupReferences Method private
Driver Property public The driver in use for streaming the data.
EndOfList Method public Returns true if the stream contains an end-of-list marker.
EndReferences Method public Finalizes the component referencing mechanism.
Error Method protected Calls an installed error handler and passes it Message
FCanHandleExcepts Field private
FDriver Field private
FFixups Field private
FindComponentClass Method private
FindMethod Method protected Return the address of a published method.
FixupReferences Method public Tries to resolve all unresolved component references.
FLoaded Field private
FLock Field private
FlushBuffer Method public Flush the buffer
FOnAncestorNotFound Field private
FOnCreateComponent Field private
FOnError Field private
FOnFindComponentClass Field private
FOnFindMethod Field private
FOnPropertyNotFound Field private
FOnReadStringProperty Field private
FOnReferenceName Field private
FOnSetMethodProperty Field private
FOnSetName Field private
FOwner Field private
FParent Field private
FPropName Field private
Lock Method private
NextValue Method public Returns the type of the next value.
OnAncestorNotFound Property public Handler called when the ancestor component cannot be found.
OnCreateComponent Property public Handler called when a component needs to be created.
OnError Property public Handler called when an error occurs.
OnFindComponentClass Property public Handler called when a component class reference needs to be found.
OnFindMethod Property public Handler to find or change a method address.
OnPropertyNotFound Property public Handler for treating missing properties.
OnReadStringProperty Property public Handler for translating strings when read from the stream.
OnReferenceName Property public Handler called when another component is referenced.
OnSetMethodProperty Property public Handler for setting method properties.
OnSetName Property public Handler called when setting a component name.
Owner Property public Owner of the component being read
Parent Property public Parent of the component being read.
PropertyError Method protected Skips a property value and raises an exception.
PropName Property protected Name of the property being read at this moment.
Read Method public Read raw data from stream
ReadBoolean Method public Reads a boolean from the stream.
ReadChar Method public Reads a character from the stream.
ReadCollection Method public Reads a collection from the stream.
ReadComponent Method public Starts reading a component from the stream.
ReadComponents Method public Starts reading child components from the stream.
ReadCurrency Method public Read a currency value from the stream.
ReadData Method protected Reads the components data after it has been created.
ReadDate Method public Reads a date from the stream
ReadFloat Method public Reads a float from the stream.
ReadIdent Method public Reads an identifier from the stream.
ReadInt64 Method public Reads a 64-bit integer from the stream.
ReadInteger Method public Reads an integer from the stream
ReadListBegin Method public Checks for the beginning of a list.
ReadListEnd Method public Checks for the end of a list.
ReadProperty Method protected Read and process a property name
ReadPropValue Method protected Reads a property value for PropInfo.
ReadRootComponent Method public Starts reading a root component.
ReadSet Method public Read a set value from the stream
ReadSignature Method public Read stream signature from the stream
ReadSingle Method public Reads a single-type real from the stream.
ReadString Method public Reads a string from the stream.
ReadUnicodeChar Method public Read Unicode character
ReadUnicodeString Method public Read a UnicodeString value from the stream
ReadValue Method public Reads the next value type from the stream.
ReadVariant Method public Read a variant from the stream
ReadWideChar Method public Read widechar from the stream
ReadWideString Method public Read a WideString value from the stream.
Unlock Method private


Class Description
TReader Generic reader object which reads component data from any given source.

See also

Name Description
TAbstractObjectReader Abstract driver class to read stored component data.
TAbstractObjectReader Abstract driver class to read stored component data.
TAbstractObjectReader Abstract driver class to read stored component data.
TAncestorNotFoundEvent This event occurs when an ancestor component cannot be found.
TAncestorNotFoundEvent This event occurs when an ancestor component cannot be found.
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TCreateComponentEvent Event handler type, occurs when a component instance must be created when a component is read from a stream.
TCreateComponentEvent Event handler type, occurs when a component instance must be created when a component is read from a stream.
TFiler Class responsible for streaming of components.
TFindComponentClassEvent Event handler type, occurs when a component class pointer must be found when reading a component from a stream.
TFindComponentClassEvent Event handler type, occurs when a component class pointer must be found when reading a component from a stream.
TFindMethodEvent Occurs when the streaming process needs to locate a method
TFindMethodEvent Occurs when the streaming process needs to locate a method
TFPList Class to manage collections of pointers.
TObject Base class of all classes.
TPropertyNotFoundEvent Callback for the TReader.OnPropertyNotFound event.
TPropertyNotFoundEvent Callback for the TReader.OnPropertyNotFound event.
TReaderError Event handler type, called when an error occurs during the streaming.
TReaderError Event handler type, called when an error occurs during the streaming.
TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent Callback for the TReader.OnReadStringProperty event handler
TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent Callback for the TReader.OnReadStringProperty event handler
TReferenceNameEvent Occurs when a named object needs to be looked up.
TReferenceNameEvent Occurs when a named object needs to be looked up.
TRTLCRITICALSECTION A class for managing multiple threads
TSetMethodPropertyEvent Callback for the TReader.OnSetMethodProperty event.
TSetMethodPropertyEvent Callback for the TReader.OnSetMethodProperty event.
TSetNameEvent Occurs when the reader needs to set a component's name.
TSetNameEvent Occurs when the reader needs to set a component's name.
TWriter Object to write component data to an arbitrary format.