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Implements IStream for TStream descendants


Source position: line 1315

  TStreamAdapter = class (TInterfacedObject, IStream)
    FStream : TStream;
    FOwnership : TStreamOwnership;
    m_bReverted : Boolean;
    constructor Create(Stream: TStream; Ownership: TStreamOwnership);
    destructor Destroy;  Override;
    function Read(pv: Pointer; cb: DWORD; pcbRead: PDWord) : HRESULT
                 ;  Virtual;
    function Write(pv: Pointer; cb: DWORD; pcbWritten: PDWord) : HRESULT
                  ;  Virtual;
    function Seek(dlibMove: Largeint; dwOrigin: DWORD; 
                 out libNewPosition: LargeUint) : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    function SetSize(libNewSize: LargeUint) : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    function CopyTo(stm: IStream; cb: LargeUint; out cbRead: LargeUint; 
                   out cbWritten: LargeUint) : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    function Commit(grfCommitFlags: DWORD) : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    function Revert : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    function LockRegion(libOffset: LargeUint; cb: LargeUint; 
                       dwLockType: DWORD) : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    function UnlockRegion(libOffset: LargeUint; cb: LargeUint; 
                         dwLockType: DWORD) : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    function Stat(out statstg: TStatStg; grfStatFlag: DWORD) : HRESULT
                 ;  Virtual;
    function Clone(out stm: IStream) : HRESULT;  Virtual;
    Stream : TStream;
    StreamOwnership : TStreamOwnership;


Member Type Visibility Description
Clone Method public Clone the stream
Commit Method public Commit data to the stream
CopyTo Method public Copy data to destination stream
Create Method public Create a new instance of TStreamAdapter
Destroy Method public Free the TStreamAdapter instance
FOwnership Field private
FStream Field private
LockRegion Method public Lock a region of the stream
m_bReverted Field private
Read Method public Read from the stream.
Revert Method public Revert operations on the stream
Seek Method public Set the stream position
SetSize Method public Set the stream size
Stat Method public Return statistical data about the stream
Stream Property public Stream on which adaptor works
StreamOwnership Property public Determines what happens with the stream when the adaptor is freed
UnlockRegion Method public Unlock a region of the stream
Write Method public Write to the stream


Class Description
TStreamAdapter(IStream) Implements IStream for TStream descendants

See also

Name Description
TStream Base class for streams.
TStream Base class for streams.
TStreamOwnership Determines the ownership of a TStreamAdapter
TStreamOwnership Determines the ownership of a TStreamAdapter