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Insert a new item in the list.


Source position: fgl.pp line 84

  procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
  function Insert(Index: Integer) : Pointer;


Insert comes in 2 overloaded version. The version without Item creates a slot for a new item at position Index in the list, and returns a pointer to the new slot. The slot will be of size TFPSList.ItemSize .

The version with Item argument will allocate a slot in the list at position Index and will copy the item pointed to by Item to the slot in the list.

In both cases, Index must be 0-based.


If Index is invalid, an EListError exception will be raised.

See also

Name Description
TFPSList.Add Add a new item to the list
TFPSList.Delete Delete an item from the list
TFPSList.Extract delete an element from the list