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Extended precision matrix of two scalars


Source position: matrix.pp line 171

  Tmatrix2_extended = object
    data : Tmatrix2_extended_data;
    constructor init_zero;
    constructor init_identity;
    constructor init(aa: extended; ab: extended; ba: extended; bb: extended);
    function get_column(c: Byte) : Tvector2_extended;
    function get_row(r: Byte) : Tvector2_extended;
    procedure set_column(c: Byte; const v: Tvector2_extended);
    procedure set_row(r: Byte; const v: Tvector2_extended);
    function determinant : extended;
    function inverse(Adeterminant: extended) : Tmatrix2_extended;
    function transpose : Tmatrix2_extended;


The Tmatrix2_extended object provides a matrix of 2*2 extended precision scalars.


Member Type Visibility Description
data Field default Internal data of Tmatrix2.extended
determinant Method default Calculates the determinant of the matrix.
get_column Method default Returns the c-th column of the matrix as vector.
get_row Method default Returns the r-th row of the matrix as vector.
init Method default Initializes the matrix, setting its elements to the values passed to the constructor.
init_identity Method default Initializes the matrix and sets its elements to the identity matrix.
init_zero Method default Initializes the matrix and sets its elements to zero
inverse Method default Calculates the inverse of the matrix.
set_column Method default Sets c-th column of the matrix with a vector.
set_row Method default Sets r-th row of the matrix with a vector.
transpose Method default Returns the transposition of the matrix.


Class Description
Tmatrix2_extended Extended precision matrix of two scalars