Copies a number of characters starting at a given position in a string.
Source position: strutils.pp line 88
function MidStr(const AText: AnsiString; const AStart: SizeInt;
const ACount: SizeInt) : AnsiString;
function MidStr(const AText: WideString; const AStart: SizeInt;
const ACount: SizeInt) : WideString;
MidStr returns a string containing the first ACount bytes from the string AText starting at position AStart. If AStart+ACount is larger than the length (in characters) of AText, only as many characters as available are returned. If AStart is less than 1 or larger than the length of AText, then no characters are returned.
This function is equivalent to the standard Copy function, and is provided for completeness only.
See also
Name | Description |
AnsiMidStr | Returns a number of characters copied from a given location in a string |
LeftStr | Copies Count characters starting at the left of a string. |
MidBStr | Copies a number of characters starting at a given position in a string. |
RightStr | Copy a given number of characters, counting from the right of a string. |