Swap endianness of the argument
Source position: systemh.inc line 987
function SwapEndian(const AValue: SmallInt) : SmallInt;
function SwapEndian(const AValue: Word) : Word;
function SwapEndian(const AValue: LongInt) : LongInt;
function SwapEndian(const AValue: DWord) : DWord;
function SwapEndian(const AValue: Int64) : Int64;
function SwapEndian(const AValue: QWord) : QWord;
SwapEndian will swap the endianness of the bytes in its argument.
See also
Name | Description |
BEToN | Convert Big Endian-ordered integer to Native-ordered integer |
hi | Return high byte/word/nibble of value. |
LEToN | Convert Little Endian-ordered integer to Native-ordered integer |
lo | Return low nibble/byte/word of value. |
NToBE | Convert Native-ordered integer to a Big Endian-ordered integer |
NToLE | Convert Native-ordered integer to a Little Endian-ordered integer |
swap | Swap high and low bytes/words of a variable |