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Resource manager definition


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TResourceManager = record
  HINSTANCEFunc : function : TFPResourceHMODULE;
  EnumResourceTypesFunc : function(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; EnumFunc: EnumResTypeProc; 
           lParam: PtrInt) : LongBool;
  EnumResourceNamesFunc : function(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceType: PChar; 
           EnumFunc: EnumResNameProc; lParam: PtrInt) : LongBool;
  EnumResourceLanguagesFunc : function(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceType: PChar; 
           ResourceName: PChar; EnumFunc: EnumResLangProc; lParam: PtrInt)
            : LongBool;
  FindResourceFunc : function(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceName: PChar; 
           ResourceType: PChar) : TFPResourceHandle;
  FindResourceExFunc : function(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceType: PChar; 
           ResourceName: PChar; Language: Word) : TFPResourceHandle;
  LoadResourceFunc : function(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle)
            : TFPResourceHGLOBAL;
  SizeofResourceFunc : function(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle)
            : LongWord;
  LockResourceFunc : function(ResData: TFPResourceHGLOBAL) : Pointer;
  UnlockResourceFunc : function(ResData: TFPResourceHGLOBAL) : LongBool;
  FreeResourceFunc : function(ResData: TFPResourceHGLOBAL) : LongBool;


TResourceManager is the record describing the resource manager. Depending on the kind of resources (internal, external), another resource managing handler is installed by the system. The resource manager record is used by all resource handling functions to do the actual work: for each function in the API, a handler function is available. People wishing to implement their own resource manager, must implement all handler functions in their implementation.

As soon as resources are used, the compiler will install a resource manager, depending on the platform, this may be an internal or an external resource manager.

See also

Name Description
GetResourceManager Return the currently active resource manager
SetResourceManager Set the resource manager