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Set the attributes of a file.


Source position: line 186

  function FileSetAttr(const Filename: UnicodeString; Attr: LongInt)
                       : LongInt;
  function FileSetAttr(const Filename: RawByteString; Attr: LongInt)
                       : LongInt;


FileSetAttr sets the attributes of FileName to Attr. If the function was successful, 0 is returned, -1 otherwise. Attr can be set to an OR-ed combination of the predefined faXXX constants.

This function is not implemented on Unixes.


On error, -1 is returned (always on Unixes).

See also

Name Description
FileGetAttr Return attributes of a file.
FileGetDate Return the file time of an opened file.
FileSetDate Set the date of a file.