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Reference for unit 'sysutils': Constants

Constant Description
ConfigExtension Default application configuration file extension.
CPUEndian Current CPU endianness
DateDelta Days between 1/1/0001 and 12/31/1899
DriveDelim Drive letter delimiter
EmptyStr Empty String Constant
EmptyWideStr Empty wide string.
faAnyFile Match any file
faArchive Archive bit is set
faCompressed Compressed file attribute
faDirectory File is a directory
faEncrypted Encrypted file attribute
faHidden Hidden file.
faNormal Normal file attribute
faReadOnly Read-Only file.
faSymLink File is a symlink
faSysFile System file (Dos/Windows only)
faTemporary Temporary file attribute
faVirtual Virtual file attribute
faVolumeId Volume id (Fat file system, Dos/Windows only)
feInvalidHandle FileOpen error value
fmOpenRead Open file in read-only mode
fmOpenReadWrite Open file in read/write mode.
fmOpenWrite Open file in write-only mode
fmShareCompat Open file in DOS share-compatibility mode
fmShareDenyNone Do not lock file.
fmShareDenyRead Lock file so other processes cannot read.
fmShareDenyWrite Lock file so other processes can only read.
fmShareExclusive Lock file for exclusive use
fsFromBeginning Start seek operation from beginning of file.
fsFromCurrent Start seek operation from current position in file.
fsFromEnd Start seek operation from end of file.
HexDisplayPrefix String to prepend to hexadecimal values
HoursPerDay Number of hours in a day.
JulianEpoch Starting point of the Julian calendar
LeadBytes Lead bytes in Multi-Byte character sets
MaxCurrency Maximum currency value
MaxDateTime Maximum TDateTime value.
MAX_PATH Maximum length of a fully qualified filename (including path)
MinCurrency Minimum Currency value
MinDateTime Minimum TDateTime value.
MinsPerDay Number of minutes per day.
MinsPerHour Number of minutes per hour.
MonthDays Array with number of days in the months for leap and non-leap years.
MSecsPerDay Number of milliseconds per day
MSecsPerSec Number of milliseconds per second
NullStr Pointer to an empty string
PathDelim Path (directory) delimiter.
PathSep Path separator. (Separates paths in search path lists)
pfBCB4Produced Not used in Free Pascal.
pfDelphi4Produced Not used in Free Pascal.
pfDesignOnly Package is a design-time only package
pfExeModule Package is an executable
pfIgnoreDupUnits Ignore duplicate units in package
pfLibraryModule Package is a library
pfModuleTypeMask Mask for module type flags
pfNeverBuild Never-build flag was specified when compiling package
pfPackageModule Package is a real package (not exe)
pfProducerMask Mask for producer flags
pfProducerUndefined Not used in Free Pascal.
pfRunOnly Package is a run-time only package
pfV3Produced Not used in Free Pascal.
RTL_SIGBUS Bus error signal number (Unix only)
RTL_SIGDEFAULT Default signal handler (Unix only)
RTL_SIGFPE Floating Point Error signal number (Unix only)
RTL_SIGILL Illegal instruction signal number (Unix only)
RTL_SIGINT INTERRUPT signal number (Unix only)
RTL_SIGLAST Last signal number (Unix only)
RTL_SIGQUIT QUIT signal number (Unix only)
RTL_SIGSEGV Segmentation fault signal number (Unix only)
SecsPerDay Number of seconds per day
SecsPerMin Number of seconds per minute
SwitchChars Characters which start a command-line switch
SysConfigDir System configuration directory.
ufImplicitUnit Unit was implicitly imported into package (did not appear in package contains list)
ufMainUnit Unit is the main unit of the package
ufOrgWeakUnit Unit is the original weak packaged unit
ufPackageUnit Unit is a packaged unit (appeared in package contains list)
ufWeakPackageUnit Weak (original or not) packaged unit
ufWeakUnit Unit is a weak packaged unit
UnixDateDelta Number of days between 1.1.1900 and 1.1.1970
UnixEpoch Starting point of the unix calendar (1/1/1970)