EAbort |
Abort error. |
EAbstractError |
Abstract error. |
EAccessViolation |
Access Violation error |
EArgumentException |
Invalid argument passed to a function |
EArgumentNilException |
Exception raised when a required argument is Nil. |
EArgumentOutOfRangeException |
Argument out of valid range passed to a function |
EAssertionFailed |
Assertion failed error. |
EBusError |
Bus error exception |
EControlC |
Control-C (abort) was pressed on the console. |
EConvertError |
Conversion error. |
EDirectoryNotFoundException |
Exception raised when a directory is not found. |
EDivByZero |
Division by zero error. |
EEncodingError |
Exception raised by the TEncoding class. |
EExternal |
External Exception. |
EExternalException |
External exception |
EFileNotFoundException |
Exception raised when a file is not found. |
EFormatError |
Formatting error exception |
EHeapMemoryError |
Heap memory error |
EInOutError |
Input/Output error |
EIntError |
Integer operation error. |
EIntfCastError |
Invalid interface cast error. |
EIntOverflow |
Integer overflow error. |
EInvalidCast |
Invalid typecast error. |
EInvalidContainer |
Invalid container error. |
EInvalidInsert |
Invalid insert error. |
EInvalidOp |
Invalid operation. |
EInvalidOpException |
EInvalidPointer |
Invalid pointer operation |
EMathError |
Mathematical error |
ENoConstructException |
Error raised when instantiating a TCharacter class |
ENoDynLibsSupport |
ENoThreadSupport |
No Thread support error. |
ENotImplemented |
Exception raised in case of a not implemented feature. |
ENotSupportedException |
Exception raised when a feature is not supported. |
ENoWideStringSupport |
Exception raised if no widestring support is available in the executable |
EObjectCheck |
A Nil object reference was encountered |
EOSError |
Operating system error. |
EOutOfMemory |
Out of memory error. |
EOverflow |
Float overflow error. |
EPackageError |
Package error. |
EPathNotFoundException |
Exception raised when a path is not found. |
EPathTooLongException |
Exception raised when a path name is too long. |
EPrivilege |
Privileged instruction error. |
EProgrammerNotFound |
EPropReadOnly |
Read-only property error. |
EPropWriteOnly |
Write-only property error. |
ERangeError |
Range check error. |
ESafecallException |
SafeCall exception. |
ESigQuit |
EStackOverflow |
Stack overflow error. |
EThreadError |
EUnderflow |
Float underflow error |
EVariantError |
Variant error. |
Exception |
Base class of all exceptions. |
EZeroDivide |
Division by zero error. |
IReadWriteSync |
Read/Write synchronizer |
TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding |
Big-endian UTF-16 Unicode encoding |
TBooleanHelper |
Helper for the Boolean type. |
TByteBoolHelper |
Helper for the ByteBool type. |
TByteHelper |
Helper for a byte-typed ordinal value |
TCardinalHelper |
Helper for a Cardinal-typed ordinal value |
TDoubleHelper |
Helper for Double floating point type |
TEncoding |
Encoding support |
TExtendedHelper |
Helper for Extended floating point type |
TGuidHelper |
Helper type for TGUID |
TInt64Helper |
Helper for a Int64-typed ordinal value |
TIntegerHelper |
Helper for a Integer-typed ordinal value |
TLongBoolHelper |
Helper for the LongBool type. |
TMBCSEncoding |
Multi-Byte character set encoding |
TMREWException |
TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer |
Standard implementation of a IReadWriteSync interface |
TNativeIntHelper |
Helper for a NativeInt-typed ordinal value |
TNativeUIntHelper |
Helper for a NativeUInt-typed ordinal value |
TQWordHelper |
Helper for a QWord-typed ordinal value |
TShortIntHelper |
Helper for a ShortInt-typed ordinal value |
TSimpleRWSync |
Read/Write synchronizing object. |
TSingleHelper |
Helper for Single floating point type |
TSmallIntHelper |
Helper for a SmallInt-typed ordinal value |
TStringHelper |
Helper type for strings. |
TUnicodeEncoding |
UTF-16 Unicode encoding |
TUTF7Encoding |
UTF-7 Unicode encoding |
TUTF8Encoding |
UTF-8 Unicode encoding |
TWordBoolHelper |
Helper for the WordBool type. |
TWordHelper |
Helper for a Word-typed ordinal value |