CurrencyDecimals |
Number of decimals in currency amounts. |
CurrencyFormat |
Format string for currencies. |
CurrencyString |
Name of currency. |
DateSeparator |
Date separator character (subject to locale). |
DecimalSeparator |
Decimal point separator. |
DefaultFormatSettings |
Storage for default settings |
FalseBoolStrs |
False Strings used in StrToBool conversion |
FormatSettings |
Alias for DefaultFormatSettings |
ListSeparator |
Separator character for lists |
LongDateFormat |
Long date format string (subject to locale). |
LongDayNames |
Full names of days. |
LongMonthNames |
Full names of months. |
LongTimeFormat |
Long time format string (subject to locale) |
NegCurrFormat |
Format string for negative currencies. |
OnBeep |
Event called by Beep to actually implement beep |
OnCreateGUID |
Callback to create GUID values |
OnGetApplicationName |
Callback to get a customized application name. |
OnGetTempDir |
Handler for GetTempDir function. |
OnGetTempFile |
Handler for GetTempFileName function. |
OnGetVendorName |
Vendor name callback |
OnShowException |
Callback to show unhandled exceptions. |
ShortDateFormat |
Short Date Format string (subject to locale). |
ShortDayNames |
Names of days, abbreviated form. |
ShortMonthNames |
Names of months, abbreviated form. |
ShortTimeFormat |
Short time format string (subject to locale). |
SysLocale |
Variable with locale information |
ThousandSeparator |
Thousand grouping character. |
TimeAMString |
AM indicator string. |
TimePMString |
PM indicator string. |
TimeSeparator |
Time separator character. |
TrueBoolStrs |
True Strings used in StrToBool conversion |
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow |
Window to determine what century 2 digit years are in. |