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Try to convert a string to an integer, and report on success.


Source position: line 137

  function TryStrToInt(const s: string; out i: LongInt) : Boolean;


TryStrToInt tries to convert the string S to an integer, and returns True if this was successful. In that case the converted integer is returned in I. If the conversion failed, (an invalid string, or the value is out of range) then False is returned.


None. On error, False is returned.

See also

Name Description
StrToInt Convert a string to an integer value.
StrToInt64 Convert a string to an Int64 value.
StrToInt64Def Convert a string to an Int64 value, with a default value
StrToIntDef Convert a string to an integer value, with a default value.
TryStrToInt64 Try to convert a string to an int64 value, and report on success.