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Helper for a Word-typed ordinal value


Source position: line 459

  TWordHelper = type helper type for Word
    MaxValue = 65535;
    MinValue = 0;
    class function Parse(const AString: string) : Word;  Static;
    class function Size : Integer;  Static;
    class function ToString(const AValue: Word) : string;  Overload;  Static;
    function ToString : string;  Overload;
    class function TryParse(const AString: string; out AValue: Word)
                            : Boolean;  Static;
    function ToBoolean : Boolean;
    function ToDouble : Double;
    function ToExtended : Extended;
    function ToBinString : string;
    function ToHexString(const AMinDigits: Integer) : string;  Overload;
    function ToHexString : string;  Overload;
    function ToSingle : Single;
    function SetBit(const Index: TWordBitIndex) : Word;
    function ClearBit(const Index: TWordBitIndex) : Word;
    function ToggleBit(const Index: TWordBitIndex) : Word;
    function TestBit(const Index: TWordBitIndex) : Boolean;


TWordHelper contains some auxiliary routines for a Word-typed ordinal value. It consists mainly of conversion routines to and from other types.


Member Type Visibility Description
ClearBit Method public
MaxValue Constant public Maximum value for a Word
MinValue Constant public Minimum value for a Word
Parse Method public Convert from a string
SetBit Method public
Size Method public Size, in bytes, of the Word value
TestBit Method public
ToBinString Method public
ToBoolean Method public Convert to a boolean value
ToDouble Method public Convert to a double-sized floating point value
ToExtended Method public Convert to an extended-sized floating point value
ToggleBit Method public
ToHexString Method public Convert to a hexadecimal string representation
ToSingle Method public Convert to an single-sized floating point value
ToString Method public Convert the value to string
TryParse Method public Try to convert a string to a Word, report success or failure


Class Description
TWordHelper Helper for a Word-typed ordinal value

See also

Name Description
TByteHelper Helper for a byte-typed ordinal value
TCardinalHelper Helper for a Cardinal-typed ordinal value
TInt64Helper Helper for a Int64-typed ordinal value
TIntegerHelper Helper for a Integer-typed ordinal value
TNativeIntHelper Helper for a NativeInt-typed ordinal value
TNativeUIntHelper Helper for a NativeUInt-typed ordinal value
TQWordHelper Helper for a QWord-typed ordinal value
TShortIntHelper Helper for a ShortInt-typed ordinal value
TSmallIntHelper Helper for a SmallInt-typed ordinal value
TStringHelper Helper type for strings.