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Read a widestring property


Source position: typinfo.pp line 910

  function GetWideStrProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo)
                          : WideString;
  function GetWideStrProp(Instance: TObject; const PropName: string)
                          : WideString;


GetWideStrProp returns the value of the widestring property described by PropInfo or with name PropName for object Instance.


No checking is done whether Instance is non-nil, or whether PropInfo describes a valid widestring property of Instance. Specifying an invalid property name in PropName will result in an EPropertyError exception.

See also

Name Description
GetFloatProp Return value of floating point property
GetInt64Prop return value of an Int64 property
GetMethodProp Return value of a method property
GetOrdProp Get the value of an ordinal property
GetStrProp Return the value of a string property.
SetWideStrProp Set a widestring property