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Array type data


Source position: typinfo.pp line 287

TArrayTypeData = packed record
  function GetElType : PTypeInfo;
  function GetDims(aIndex: Byte) : PTypeInfo;
  property ElType : PTypeInfo;
  property Dims[Index: Byte]: PTypeInfo;
  Size : SizeInt;
  ElCount : SizeInt;
  ElTypeRef : PPTypeInfo;
  DimCount : Byte;
  DimsRef : Array[0..255] of PPTypeInfo;


TArrayTypeData is used to describe arrays in RTTI. It can be encountered when the type kind is tkArray, and is used for both static and dynamic arrays and single or multi-dimensional arrays. The type of the array elements is described in elType, and the ranges for each of the dimensions (specified in DimCount in Dims.

See also

Name Description
Byte An unsigned 8-bits integer
PTypeInfo Pointer to TTypeInfo record
SizeInt Signed integer type which fits for sizes
SizeInt Signed integer type which fits for sizes
TTypeData Class properties type data record.
TTypeInfo Type information record
TTypeInfo Type information record
TTypeInfo Type information record
TTypeKind Type of a property.