Get unicode collation algorithm properties for a unicode character
Source position: unicodedata.pas line 496
function GetPropUCA(const AHighS: UnicodeChar;
const ALowS: UnicodeChar; const ABook: PUCA_DataBook)
: PUCA_PropItemRec; Overload;
function GetPropUCA(const AChar: UnicodeChar;
const ABook: PUCA_DataBook) : PUCA_PropItemRec
; Overload;
GetPropUCA returns UCA data for the unicode character (AChar) or surrogate pair AHighS, ALowS) in the collation data book ABook. If no data is available, Nil is returned.
if an invalid ABook is specified, an access violation may occur.
See also
Name | Description |
GetProps | Get unicode character data |