[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]
Com automation Object interface
Source position: classesh.inc line 2006
IVCLComObject = interface ['{E07892A0-F52F-11CF-BD2F-0020AF0E5B81}']
function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer) : HRESULT;
function GetTypeInfo(Index: Integer; LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo)
function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGuid; Names: Pointer;
NameCount: Integer; LocaleID: Integer;
DispIDs: Pointer) : HRESULT;
function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGuid; LocaleID: Integer;
Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult: Pointer;
ExcepInfo: Pointer; ArgErr: Pointer) : HRESULT;
function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
ExceptAddr: CodePointer) : HRESULT;
procedure FreeOnRelease;
IVCLComObject is used by TComponent to implement the IUnknown interface used by COM automation servers. Partially, it is the translation to pascal of the IDispatch interface definition by Microsoft. If TComponent needs to return an IUnknown interface, it creates a IVCLComObject interface instead.
Member | Type | Visibility | Description |
FreeOnRelease | Method | default | Is called by TComponent.FreeOnRelease |
GetIDsOfNames | Method | default | The IDispatch:GetIDsOfNames call for automation servers. |
GetTypeInfo | Method | default | The IDispatch:GetTypeInfo call for automation servers |
GetTypeInfoCount | Method | default | The IDispatch:GetTypeInfoCount call for automation servers |
Invoke | Method | default | The IDispatch:Invoke call for automation servers. |
SafeCallException | Method | default | This method can be invoked if an exception occurs during Invoke |
Class | Description |
IVCLComObject | Com automation Object interface |
See also
Name | Description |
TComponent.VCLComObject | Not implemented. |