[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]
Driver class descendant which reads component data stored in binary format.
Source position: classesh.inc line 1421
TBinaryObjectReader = class (TAbstractObjectReader)
FStream : TStream;
FBuffer : Pointer;
FBufSize : Integer;
FBufPos : Integer;
FBufEnd : Integer;
function ReadWord : Word;
function ReadDWord : LongWord;
function ReadQWord : QWord;
function ReadExtended : extended;
procedure SkipProperty;
procedure SkipSetBody;
constructor Create(Stream: TStream; BufSize: Integer);
destructor Destroy; Override;
function NextValue : TValueType; Override;
function ReadValue : TValueType; Override;
procedure BeginRootComponent; Override;
procedure BeginComponent(var Flags: TFilerFlags;
var AChildPos: Integer;
var CompClassName: string; var CompName: string)
; Override;
function BeginProperty : string; Override;
procedure Read(var Buf; Count: LongInt); Override;
procedure ReadBinary(const DestData: TMemoryStream); Override;
function ReadFloat : Extended; Override;
function ReadSingle : Single; Override;
function ReadDate : TDateTime; Override;
function ReadCurrency : Currency; Override;
function ReadIdent(ValueType: TValueType) : string; Override;
function ReadInt8 : ShortInt; Override;
function ReadInt16 : SmallInt; Override;
function ReadInt32 : LongInt; Override;
function ReadInt64 : Int64; Override;
function ReadSet(EnumType: Pointer) : Integer; Override;
procedure ReadSignature; Override;
function ReadStr : string; Override;
function ReadString(StringType: TValueType) : string; Override;
function ReadWideString : WideString; Override;
function ReadUnicodeString : UnicodeString; Override;
procedure SkipComponent(SkipComponentInfos: Boolean); Override;
procedure SkipValue; Override;
The TBinaryObjectReader class reads component data stored in binary form in a file. For this, it overrides or implements all abstract methods from TAbstractObjectReader . No new functionality is added by this class, it is a driver class for the streaming system.
It should never be necessary to create an instance of this class directly. Instead, the TStream.WriteComponent call should be used.
Member | Type | Visibility | Description |
BeginComponent | Method | public | Start reading a component. |
BeginProperty | Method | public | Start reading a property. |
BeginRootComponent | Method | public | Start reading the root component. |
Create | Method | public | Creates a new binary data reader instance. |
Destroy | Method | public | Destroys the binary data reader. |
FBufEnd | Field | protected | |
FBuffer | Field | protected | |
FBufPos | Field | protected | |
FBufSize | Field | protected | |
FStream | Field | protected | |
NextValue | Method | public | Return the type of the next value. |
Read | Method | public | Read raw data from stream |
ReadBinary | Method | public | Start reading a binary value. |
ReadCurrency | Method | public | Read a currency value from the stream. |
ReadDate | Method | public | Read a date. |
ReadDWord | Method | protected | |
ReadExtended | Method | protected | |
ReadFloat | Method | public | Read a float value |
ReadIdent | Method | public | Read an identifier |
ReadInt16 | Method | public | Read a 16-bits integer. |
ReadInt32 | Method | public | Read a 32-bits integer. |
ReadInt64 | Method | public | Read a 64-bits integer. |
ReadInt8 | Method | public | Read an 8-bits integer. |
ReadQWord | Method | protected | |
ReadSet | Method | public | Read a set |
ReadSignature | Method | public | Reads the filer signature |
ReadSingle | Method | public | Read a single-size float value |
ReadStr | Method | public | Read a short string |
ReadString | Method | public | Read a string |
ReadUnicodeString | Method | public | Read a Unicode string value |
ReadValue | Method | public | Read the next value in the stream |
ReadWideString | Method | public | Read a widestring value from the stream. |
ReadWord | Method | protected | |
SkipComponent | Method | public | Skip a component's data |
SkipProperty | Method | protected | |
SkipSetBody | Method | protected | |
SkipValue | Method | public | Skip a value's data |
Class | Description |
TBinaryObjectReader | Driver class descendant which reads component data stored in binary format. |
See also
Name | Description |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
Integer | A signed 16-bits integer |
TAbstractObjectReader | Abstract driver class to read stored component data. |
TBinaryObjectWriter | Driver class which stores component data in binary form. |
TStream | Base class for streams. |