
Returns the path of a subcomponent starting from the current token.


Source position: line 1822

  function TokenComponentIdent : string;


If current token is toSymbol , TokenComponentIdent tries to find subcomponent names separated by a dot (.). The returned string is the longest subcomponent path found. If there are no subcomponents, current symbol is returned.


After this method has been called, subsequent calls to TokenString or TokenWideString return the same value returned by TokenComponentIdent.



If source stream contains a.b.c and TParser is positioned on the first token (a), this method returns a.b.c.


If Token isn't toSymbol , or no valid symbol is found after a dot, an EParserError exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
toSymbol Value returned by TParser.Token when a symbol was found in the input stream.
TParser.NextToken Reads the next token and returns its type.
TParser.Token The type of the current token.
TParser.TokenString Returns the current token as a string.
TParser.TokenWideString Returns the current token as a widestring