AssignCrt |
Assign file to CRT. |
ClrEol |
Clear from cursor position till end of line. |
ClrScr |
Clear current window. |
cursorbig |
Show big cursor |
cursoroff |
Hide cursor |
cursoron |
Display cursor |
Delay |
Delay program execution. |
DelLine |
Delete line at cursor position. |
GotoXY |
Set cursor position on screen. |
HighVideo |
Switch to highlighted text mode |
InsLine |
Insert an empty line at cursor position |
KeyPressed |
Check if there is a keypress in the keybuffer |
LowVideo |
Switch to low intensity colors. |
NormVideo |
Return to normal (startup) modus |
NoSound |
Stop system speaker |
ReadKey |
Read key from keybuffer |
Sound |
Sound system speaker |
TextBackground |
Set text background |
TextColor |
Set text color |
TextMode |
Set screen mode. |
WhereX |
Return X (horizontal) cursor position |
WhereY |
Return Y (vertical) cursor position |
Window |
Create new window on screen. |