ArcCos |
Return inverse cosine |
ArcCosH |
Return inverse hyperbolic cosine |
ArCosH |
Return inverse hyperbolic cosine |
ArcSin |
Return inverse sine |
ArcSinH |
Return inverse hyperbolic sine |
ArcTan2 |
Return arctangent of (y/x) |
ArcTanH |
Return inverse hyperbolic tangent |
ArSinH |
Return inverse hyperbolic sine |
ArTanH |
Return inverse hyperbolic tangent |
Ceil |
Return the lowest integer number greater than or equal to argument |
Ceil64 |
Round to the nearest bigger int64 value |
ClearExceptions |
Clear Floating Point Unit exceptions |
CompareValue |
Compare 2 values |
Cosecant |
Calculate cosecant |
CosH |
Return hyperbolic cosine |
Cot |
Alias for Cotan |
Cotan |
Return cotangent |
Csc |
Alias for cosecant |
CycleToRad |
Convert cycle angle to radians angle |
DegNormalize |
Normalize an angle measured in degrees |
DegToGrad |
Convert degree angle to grads angle |
DegToRad |
Convert degree angle to radians angle. |
DivMod |
Return DIV and MOD of arguments |
EnsureRange |
Change value so it fits in a specified range. |
Floor |
Return the largest integer smaller than or equal to argument |
Floor64 |
Round to the nearest smaller int64 value |
FMod |
Floatin point modulo |
Frexp |
Return mantissa and exponent. |
FutureValue |
Calculate the future value of an investment. |
GetExceptionMask |
Get the Floating Point Unit exception mask. |
GetPrecisionMode |
Return the Floating Point Unit precision mode. |
GetRoundMode |
Return the Floating Point Unit rounding mode. |
GradToDeg |
Convert grads angle to degrees angle |
GradToRad |
Convert grads angle to radians angle |
Hypot |
Return hypotenuse of triangle |
IfThen |
Return one of two values, depending on a boolean condition |
InRange |
Check whether value is in range. |
InterestRate |
Calculate the interest rate value of an investment |
IntPower |
Return integer power. |
IsInfinite |
Check whether value is infinite |
IsNan |
Check whether value is Not a Number |
IsZero |
Check whether value is zero |
Ldexp |
Return (2 to the power p) times x |
LnXP1 |
Return natural logarithm of 1+X |
Log10 |
Return 10-Based logarithm. |
Log2 |
Return 2-based logarithm |
LogN |
Return N-based logarithm. |
Max |
Return largest of 2 values |
MaxIntValue |
Return largest element in integer array |
MaxValue |
Return largest value in array |
Mean |
Return mean value of array |
MeanAndStdDev |
Return mean and standard deviation of array |
Min |
Return smallest of two values. |
MinIntValue |
Return smallest value in integer array |
MinValue |
Return smallest value in array |
modulus(Float,Float):Float |
Floating point modulo |
MomentSkewKurtosis |
Return 4 first moments of distribution |
Norm |
Return Euclidean norm |
NumberOfPeriods |
Calculate the number of periods for an investment |
Payment |
Calculate the payment for an investment |
PopnStdDev |
Return Population standard deviation |
PopnVariance |
Return population variance |
Power |
Return real power. |
power(Float,Float):Float |
Raise base to the power exponent |
power(Int64,Int64):Int64 |
Raise base to the power exponent |
PresentValue |
Calculate the present value given the future value of an investment. |
RadToCycle |
Convert radians angle to cycle angle |
RadToDeg |
Convert radians angle to degrees angle |
RadToGrad |
Convert radians angle to grads angle |
RandG |
Return gaussian distributed random number. |
RandomFrom |
Return a random element of an array of numbers |
RandomRange |
Return a random number in a range |
RoundTo |
Round to the specified number of digits |
SameValue |
Check whether 2 float values are the same |
Sec |
Alias for secant |
Secant |
Calculate secant |
SetExceptionMask |
Set the Floating Point Unit exception mask. |
SetPrecisionMode |
Set the Floating Point Unit precision mode. |
SetRoundMode |
Set the Floating Point Unit rounding mode. |
Sign |
Return sign of argument |
SimpleRoundTo |
Round to the specified number of digits (rounding up if needed) |
SinCos |
Return sine and cosine of argument |
SinH |
Return hyperbolic sine |
StdDev |
Return standard deviation of data |
Sum |
Return sum of values |
SumInt |
Return the sum of an array of integers |
SumOfSquares |
Return sum of squares of values |
SumsAndSquares |
Return sum and sum of squares of values. |
Tan |
Return tangent |
TanH |
Return hyperbolic tangent |
TotalVariance |
Return total variance of values |
Variance |
Return variance of values |