Compare soundex values of 2 strings.
Source position: strutils.pp line 152
function SoundexCompare(const AText: string; const AOther: string;
ALength: TSoundexLength) : Integer;
function SoundexCompare(const AText: string; const AOther: string)
: Integer;
SoundexCompare computes the soundex codes of AText and AOther and feeds these to CompareText. It will return -1 if the soundex code of AText is less than the soundex code of AOther, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the code of AOther is larger than the code of AText.
See also
Name | Description |
Soundex | Compute the soundex of a string |
SoundexInt | Soundex value as an integer. |
SoundexProc | Default AnsiResemblesText implementation. |
SoundexSimilar | Check whether 2 strings have equal soundex values |
SoundexWord | Calculate a word-sized soundex value |