Search position of Nth word in a string.
Source position: strutils.pp line 199
function WordPosition(const N: Integer; const S: string;
const WordDelims: TSysCharSet) : SizeInt;
WordPosition returns the position (in characters) of the N-th word in the string S. A word is a non-empty string of characters bounded by one of the characters in WordDelims. If N is out of range, zero is returned.
The predefined StdWordDelims constant can be used for the WordDelims argument.
See also
Name | Description |
ExtractWord | Extract the N-th word out of a string. |
ExtractWordPos | Extract a word from a string, and return the position where it was located in the string. |
StdWordDelims | Standard word delimiter values. |
WordCount | Count the number of words in a string. |