Convert a float value to a string using a fixed format.
Source position: sysstrh.inc line 181
function FloatToStr(Value: Extended) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Extended;
const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Double) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Double;
const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Single) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Single;
const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Currency) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Currency;
const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Comp) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Comp; const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings)
: string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Int64) : string;
function FloatToStr(Value: Int64; const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings)
: string;
FloatToStr converts the floating point variable Value to a string representation. It will choose the shortest possible notation of the two following formats:
- Fixed format
- will represent the string in fixed notation,
- Decimal format
- will represent the string in scientific notation.
More information on these formats can be found in FloatToStrF . FloatToStr is completely equivalent to the following call:
FloatToStrF(Value, ffGeneral,15, 0);
Note that on unix systems, the localization support must be enabled explicitly, see Localization .
See also
Name | Description |
FloatToStrF | Convert a float value to a string using a given format. |
FormatFloat | Format a float according to a certain mask. |
StrToFloat | Convert a string to a floating-point value. |
Program Example67;
{ This program demonstrates the FloatToStr function }
Uses sysutils;
Procedure Testit (Value : Extended);
Writeln (Value,' -> ',FloatToStr(Value));
Writeln (-Value,' -> ',FloatToStr(-Value));
Testit (0.0);
Testit (1.1);
Testit (1.1e-3);
Testit (1.1e-20);
Testit (1.1e-200);
Testit (1.1e+3);
Testit (1.1e+20);
Testit (1.1e+200);