PChar related functions
Most PChar functions are the same as their counterparts in the STRINGS unit. The following functions are the same :
StrCat : Concatenates two PChar strings. StrComp : Compares two PChar strings. StrCopy : Copies a PChar string. StrECopy : Copies a PChar string and returns a pointer to the terminating null byte. StrEnd : Returns a pointer to the terminating null byte. StrIComp : Case insensitive compare of 2 PChar strings. StrLCat : Appends at most L characters from one PChar to another PChar. StrLComp : Case sensitive compare of at most L characters of 2 PChar strings. StrLCopy : Copies at most L characters from one PChar to another. StrLen : Returns the length (exclusive terminating null byte) of a PChar string. StrLIComp : Case insensitive compare of at most L characters of 2 PChar strings. StrLower : Converts a PChar to all lowercase letters. StrMove : Moves one PChar to another. StrNew : Makes a copy of a PChar on the heap, and returns a pointer to this copy. StrPos : Returns the position of one PChar string in another? StrRScan : returns a pointer to the last occurrence of on PChar string in another one. StrScan : returns a pointer to the first occurrence of on PChar string in another one. StrUpper : Converts a PChar to all uppercase letters.
The subsequent functions are different from their counterparts in STRINGS, although the same examples can be used.