
Get an encoding instance for a given codepage.


Source position: sysencodingh.inc line 84

  class function GetEncoding(CodePage: Integer) : TEncoding;  Overload
                            ;  Static;
  class function GetEncoding(const EncodingName: UnicodeString)
                             : TEncoding;  Overload;  Static;


GetEncoding will return an instance of TEncoding for the given codepage CodePage. The codepage can also be specified by name EncodingName. The returned instance is an appropriate descendent of TEncoding and needs to be freed by the caller.

See also

Name Description
TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding Big-endian UTF-16 Unicode encoding
TMBCSEncoding Multi-Byte character set encoding
TUnicodeEncoding UTF-16 Unicode encoding
TUTF7Encoding UTF-7 Unicode encoding
TUTF8Encoding UTF-8 Unicode encoding