Convert to a hexadecimal string representation
Source position: syshelph.inc line 574
function ToHexString(const AMinDigits: Integer) : string; Overload;
function ToHexString : string; Overload;
ToHexString converts the QWord value to a hexadecimal string representation. The AMinDigits argument specifies the minimal number of characters in the resulting string. The string will be left-padded with zeroes if the representation contains less than AMinDigits characters.
See also
Name | Description |
TQWordHelper.ToBoolean | Convert to a boolean value |
TQWordHelper.ToDouble | Convert to a double-sized floating point value |
TQWordHelper.ToExtended | Convert to an extended-sized floating point value |
TQWordHelper.ToSingle | Convert to an single-sized floating point value |
TQWordHelper.ToString | Convert the value to string |