Get the value of an ordinal property
Source position: typinfo.pp line 889
function GetOrdProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo) : Int64;
function GetOrdProp(Instance: TObject; const PropName: string) : Int64;
GetOrdProp returns the value of the ordinal property described by PropInfo or with name PropName for the object Instance. The value is returned as a longint, which should be typecast to the needed type.
Ordinal properties that can be retrieved include:
- Integers and subranges of integers
- The value of the integer will be returned.
- Enumerated types and subranges of enumerated types
- The ordinal value of the enumerated type will be returned.
- Sets
- If the base type of the set has less than 31 possible values. If a bit is set in the return value, then the corresponding element of the base ordinal class of the set type must be included in the set.
No checking is done whether Instance is non-nil, or whether PropInfo describes a valid ordinal property of Instance Specifying an invalid property name in PropName will result in an EPropertyError exception.
See also
Name | Description |
GetEnumProp | Return the value of an enumeration type property. |
GetFloatProp | Return value of floating point property |
GetInt64Prop | return value of an Int64 property |
GetMethodProp | Return value of a method property |
GetObjectProp | Return value of an object-type property. |
GetSetProp | Return the value of a set property. |
GetStrProp | Return the value of a string property. |
SetOrdProp | Set value of an ordinal property |
program example1;
{ This program demonstrates the GetOrdProp function }
{$mode objfpc}
uses rttiobj,typinfo;
O : TMyTestObject;
PI : PPropInfo;
Writeln('Boolean property : ');
Writeln('Value : ',O.BooleanField);
Writeln('Ord(Value) : ',Ord(O.BooleanField));
Writeln('Get (name) : ',GetOrdProp(O,'BooleanField'));
Writeln('Get (propinfo) : ',GetOrdProp(O,PI));
Writeln('Set (name,false) : ',O.BooleanField);
Writeln('Set (propinfo,true) : ',O.BooleanField);