BooleanIdents |
Names for boolean values |
DotSep |
Name separator character |
OnGetPropValue |
Callback to get a property value as a variant. |
OnGetVariantprop |
Callback to get a variant property value. |
OnSetPropValue |
Callback to set a property value as a variant. |
OnSetVariantprop |
Callback to set a variant property value. |
ptConst |
Constant used in access method |
ptField |
Property access directly from field |
ptStatic |
Property access via static method |
ptVirtual |
Property access via virtual method |
tkAny |
Any property type |
tkArray |
tkAString |
tkBool |
tkChar |
tkClass |
tkClassRef |
tkDynArray |
tkEnumeration |
tkFile |
tkFloat |
tkHelper |
tkInt64 |
tkInteger |
tkInterface |
tkInterfaceRaw |
tkLString |
tkMethod |
tkMethods |
Only method properties. (event handlers) |
tkObject |
tkPointer |
tkProcedure |
Procedure kind |
tkProcVar |
tkProperties |
Real properties. (not methods) |
tkQWord |
tkRecord |
tkSet |
tkSString |
tkString |
Alias for the tsSString enumeration value |
tkUChar |
tkUnknown |
tkUString |
tkVariant |
tkWChar |
tkWString |