AddEnumElementAliases |
AlignPTypeInfo |
AlignTParamFlags |
AlignTypeData |
DerefTypeInfoPtr |
FindPropInfo |
Return property information by property name. |
GetAttribute |
GetAttributeTable |
GetDynArrayProp |
GetEnumeratedAliasValue |
GetEnumName |
Return name of enumeration constant. |
GetEnumNameCount |
Return number of names in an enumerated type |
GetEnumProp |
Return the value of an enumeration type property. |
GetEnumValue |
Get ordinal value for enumerated type by name |
GetFloatProp |
Return value of floating point property |
GetInt64Prop |
return value of an Int64 property |
GetInterfaceProp |
Return interface-typed property |
GetMethodProp |
Return value of a method property |
GetObjectProp |
Return value of an object-type property. |
GetObjectPropClass |
Return class of property. |
GetOrdProp |
Get the value of an ordinal property |
GetPropAttribute |
GetPropInfo |
Return property type information, by property name. |
GetPropInfos |
Return a list of published properties. |
GetPropList |
Return a list of a certain type of published properties. |
GetPropValue |
Get property value as a string. |
GetRawByteStrProp |
GetRawInterfaceProp |
Get a raw (CORBA) interface property. |
GetSetProp |
Return the value of a set property. |
GetStrProp |
Return the value of a string property. |
GetTypeData |
Return a pointer to type data, based on type information. |
GetUnicodeStrProp |
Get UnicodeString-valued property |
GetVariantProp |
Return the value of a variant property. |
GetWideStrProp |
Read a widestring property |
IsPublishedProp |
Check whether a published property exists. |
IsReadableProp |
IsStoredProp |
Check whether a property is stored. |
IsWriteableProp |
PropIsType |
Check the type of a published property. |
PropType |
Return the type of a property |
RemoveEnumElementAliases |
SetDynArrayProp |
SetEnumProp |
Set value of an enumerated-type property |
SetFloatProp |
Set value of a float property. |
SetInt64Prop |
Set value of a Int64 property |
SetInterfaceProp |
Set interface-valued property |
SetMethodProp |
Set the value of a method property |
SetObjectProp |
Set the value of an object-type property. |
SetOrdProp |
Set value of an ordinal property |
SetPropValue |
Set property value as variant |
SetRawByteStrProp |
SetRawInterfaceProp |
Set a raw (CORBA) interface property. |
SetSetProp |
Set value of set-typed property. |
SetStrProp |
Set value of a string property |
SetToString |
Convert set to a string description |
SetUnicodeStrProp |
Set UnicodeString-valued property |
SetVariantProp |
Set value of a variant property |
SetWideStrProp |
Set a widestring property |
StringToSet |
Convert string description to a set. |