[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Variants' (#rtl)


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Base class for a custom variant type


Source position: variants.pp line 161

type TCustomVariantType = class(TObject, IInterface)


  constructor Create();


Instantiate a new custom variant type

  destructor Destroy; override;


Unregister variant type

  function IsClear(); virtual;


Is the custom value unassigned ?

  procedure Cast(); virtual;


Cast a custom variant to another type

  procedure CastTo(); virtual;


Cast a custom variant to another type

  procedure CastToOle(); virtual;


Cast variant value to OLE value

  procedure Clear(); virtual; abstract;


Clear a value

  procedure Copy(); virtual; abstract;


Copy a custom variant value

  procedure BinaryOp(); virtual;


Perform a binary mathematical operation

  procedure UnaryOp(); virtual;


Perform a unary mathematical operation

  function CompareOp(); virtual;


Check result of a comparison between 2 custom variant values

  procedure Compare(); virtual;


Comparison 2 custom variant values

  property VarType: TVarType; [r]


Registered type





Base class for a custom variant type




TCustomVariantType is used as a base class to implement custom variants. To define a custom variant type, a descendent of TCustomVariant must be made, and the appropriate methods must be overridden and implemented according to the specifications of the new type. Typically this means defining how your new type maps to another variant or a basic type.

Note that the TCustomVariantType descendent does not hold the data of the variant: it just describes how a variant record (TVarRec) that contains the new type's data can be examined or manipulated.

See also



Record describing an element in an array of const

Documentation generated on: Jun 22 2020